- 1
Yardım Lütfen
#168 opened by Stynax - 2
g-recaptcha-response is required - but it's not available on the server side; it's empty/null
#162 opened by renepardon - 3
- 5
Validation Fails
#138 opened by adhranjan - 3
Any plan to add support for Laravel 6.0?
#164 opened by daveatpeta - 13
Looking for co-maintainer
#146 opened by greggilbert - 1
Support reCaptcha v3
#160 opened by domste - 4
- 17
Validation always NOT CORRECT
#130 opened by jonjie0317 - 1
Method [validateCaptcha] does not exist.
#153 opened by YosefOberlander - 1
Nothing is displayed.
#148 opened by farshidrezaei - 0
- 0
Loading this module translations are broken
#158 opened by jpranskaitis - 1
Undefined index: options
#155 opened by boyet007 - 2
PHP7 compatibility problem
#127 opened by alexc-hollywood - 14
- 0
lumen config_path() does not exist
#154 opened by haodiao - 12
Returns Null
#132 opened by jonjie0317 - 3
ReCAPTCHA placeholder element must be empty
#147 opened by salamat1307 - 0
Support for enable / disable
#150 opened by baaskoen - 0
- 2
Error "Please prove you are not a robot"
#142 opened by arvindiy - 3
When can we expect support for Laravel 5.5?
#145 opened by dash8x - 2
Validation message is not shown
#139 opened by danifantom - 7
Any idea how to implement invisible reCAPTCHA ?
#133 opened by Youhan - 0
Multiple validations of the captcha rule
#134 opened - 6
- 4
Please ensure that you are a human! Yes I've tried updating curl_timeout ;-)
#115 opened by mbaxter91288 - 4
Still doesn't works with L5.1
#95 opened by mdeprezzo - 1
dont work data-callback
#128 opened by avesgit - 1
\vendor\greggilbert\recaptcha\src\Recaptcha.php line 30: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array
#129 opened by tansuo1989 - 1
validation failes
#123 opened by mreza-kiani - 1
Recaptcha Error
#122 opened by jramirezgranada - 0
- 0
- 1
Should validation rule be implicit?
#108 opened by skyrpex - 2
extend vs extendImplicit?
#118 opened by jmp909 - 1
Why not use Google reCaptcha classes inside this ?
#121 opened by Hodes - 1
Problem after implementing ssl/https
#119 opened by emilas44 - 0
php artisan vendor:publish --provider how to run
#117 opened by johnef - 1
array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array
#111 opened by harunsir - 5
Error response
#103 opened by mbaxter91288 - 1
- 3
Problem with rendering $public_key
#101 opened by ZsharE - 1
Can't locate path
#107 opened by erick-chali - 0
custom theming recaptcha
#99 opened - 3
- 1
Loading Scripts from Google Server
#94 opened by jishadp - 12
Invalid Response
#93 opened by addingama - 1
Where I have to put validation
#92 opened by dharmendrajadon