
Forms design tool, generates VID code for Red.

Primary LanguageRed

GUI design software:

This is a GUI design software writen in Red language, it generates VID code from the designed form sheet, so we save time in design and locate widgets. Also it allows to include hand-made code from the user, save the whole code and run it.

Test Image 0

Download the red toolchain from here:

Windows: https://static.red-lang.org/dl/auto/win/red-latest.exe

Linux: https://static.red-lang.org/dl/auto/linux/red-latest

MacOS: https://static.red-lang.org/dl/auto/mac/red-latest

To compile the saved code, run the following command from you operating console:

<path_to_red_compiler> -t {windows|linux|macos} -r -o <where_to_save_the_executable> <path_to_your_code>

Red language is an open source project made by Full Stack Technologies @ www.red-lang.org