NAME handy


A set of convenience libraries:

  • HTML-Element.rkt => adds searching and access functions missing from html/parsing
  • db.rkt => database manipulation, exceptions, convenient accessors, etc
  • exceptions.rkt => easy creation and manipulation of exception structs
  • fsmonitor.rkt => filesystem monitoring
  • json.rkt => extends the racket 'json' library with a valid-json? predicate
  • list-utils.rkt => large variety of list-related functionality that's missing from racket
  • sql.rkt => functions for generating SQL
  • struct.rkt => create structs via keyword and convert hashes to structs
  • test-more.rkt => better (IMO) testing module; largely an expy of Perl's Test::More
  • thread.rkt => convenience functions for running code in a thread
  • try.rkt => syntactic sugar over with-handlers & dynamic-wind
  • utils.rkt => overly bloated collection of random things. Should be split up.
  • web.rkt => retrieve and process web pages and/or local HTML files

Use these by:

In Racket code: (require "../path/to/libdir/handy/HTML-Element.rkt")

Or, put this in your .bashrc (or other shell setup file):

export PLTCOLLECTS=/path/to/libdir:$PLTCOLLECTS

Then in your code you can use:

(require handy/HTML-Element)

For me, this would be:

In .bashrc:     export PLTCOLLECTS=/Users/dstorrs/projects/libs/racket/handy:$PLTCOLLECTS
In Racket code: (require handy/HTML-Element)


1.2.7 - Initial release to Racket package server. Value chosen completely arbitrarily.