
Enhanced logging and tracing for Racket.

Primary LanguageRacket


This is not yet stable.

This started as an alternative to racket/trace, with the idea of emitting structured logger events that contain more data --- especially source location information.

Eventually, I realized that some of the ideas could be generalized to non-tracing logging.

So I shifted this from stuffing extra information in the data slot of the logger event vector --- which normally is (current-continuation-marks) --- to instead storing it in continuation marks. That way plain old logging continues to work normally. But a log receiver that knows about the continuation marks can retrieve their values.

I've put a lot of work into the Scribble documentation, so feel free to see that. But again, this is not yet stable. I have a tracing branch of Racket Mode that dynamic-requires this and, if available, uses it to greatly enhance the racket-logger-mode. I'm dogfooding that indefinitely before even thinking of putting this on https://pkgs.racket-lang.org.