C library for Hive-Map
A channel handles reading and writing of data. The structure defined has two fields: write and read. These fields take in function pointers.
void serial_write(char* data, size_t len);
void serial_read(char* data, size_t len);
HiveMapChannel c = {
.write = &serial_write,
.read = &serial_read
A positive integer describing the location of a particular node
A positive integer unique to a specific space. HiveMapSpaceId is used to define a state. It must be the first item in a structure for that structure to be a space.
// define macro useful for keeping id of a space consistent everywhere
#define SENSOR_12_SPACE_ID 12
typedef struct Sensor12Space {
HiveMapSpaceId space; //must be the first, doesn't have to be named space
unsigned char sensor_1;
unsigned char sensor_2;
} Sensor12Space;
Macro that requires a space (an example being the one defined above). The macro generates a structure that is a node. SPACE is assumed to be valid. All nodes have these user facing attributes:
- loc: location of node
- goal_loc: location state changes are trying to get to
- state_received: state received callback
- state(SPACE): state of the space defined above
HiveMapNode(Sensor12Space) node;
void state_received_by_node(HivMapLoc, HiveMapSpaceId, void*);
// These fields must be filled out before update_node or cycle_node
node.loc = 10; // HiveMapLoc type of node
node.goal_loc = 1; // HiveMapLoc type of goal location
node.state_received = state_received_by_node; // NULL if unavailable
node.state.space = SENSOR_12_SPACE; // needs to effectively communicate space
// space is Sensor12Space
node.state.sensor_1 = 0;
node.state.sensor_2 = 0;
Macro that take takes in a HiveMapNode after the node's state has been updated. Whether a node actually changed is up to the discression of the developer.
node.state.sensor_1 = 4;
update_node(&node, sizeof(node));
A node must perform certain tasks periodically for it to receive incoming state changes and propogate information. To perform this, cycle_node is used. It is up to the discression of the developer to determine how often cycle_node is invoked.
cycle_node(&node, sizeof(node));
Examples can be found in the examples directory.