
a simple cms built with ember.js and backed by a google spreadsheet

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A flexible and easy to use cms. This library is built with Ember.js and uses a Google Spreadsheet for storing all site content. You can easily host a EG-CMS website since it's just html, css, and javascript. No database or server-side code required.

Demo Spreadsheet

The following Google Drive spreadsheet is used for the demo site: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AhVgr8DOJUHsdHE1ajduUEhOaGpuV3VCQTdxV0lCYWc&gid=0

A Google Spreadsheet must be public and published to the web to be used with EG-CMS.

Regular Sheets vs Global Sheets

Each regular sheet in the spreadsheet is for a single page in the cms. However, sometimes you will require the same information to be displayed on multiple pages (ex: site name, footer text, sidebar). For this scenario, a global sheet should be used. These global sheets are listed in the "globalSheets" array. Data for each global sheet is stored in the Application Controller.

  // define global sheets on app creation
  window.App = Ember.Application.create({
    spreadsheetKey: '0AhVgr8DOJUHsdHE1ajduUEhOaGpuV3VCQTdxV0lCYWc',
    spreadsheetRootUrl: 'https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds',
    globalSheets: ['config', 'social icons']

Naming Conventions

Column Names

Column names in the spreadsheet must be lowercase and must use a dash (-) to separate words (ex: site-name, footer-text). Spaces, underscores, and capital letters are NOT supported in column names.

Unfortunately, the Google Spreadsheets API 'feeds' request type doesn't return the exact column names. Instead, it formats the column names automatically by striping out any spaces and underscores and converting all letters to lowercase. The Google Spreadsheets API 'cells' request type returns the actual column names but that would require an additional api call for every sheet, which just isn't worth it. So underscores and capital letters can not be used in your column names. Instead, use dashes.

  • Good Column Name: site-name
  • Bad Column Names: site_name, siteName, site name

Sheet Names

Sheet names can include capital letters, spaces, and underscores. The only restriction is special characters cannot be used in sheet names.

  • Good Sheet Names: Home, Social Icons, Contact Us
  • Bad Sheet Names: Home#, @Contact Us, Order's

Sheet Types

Spreadsheets can contain multiple sheets for categorizing information. There are 2 different ways to model data in a sheet:

  1. Single Row
  <td>a flexible and easy to use cms</td>
  <td>Copyright 2013 EG-CMS</td>
site-name site-tagline footer-text
    id: 'oda',
    name: 'config',
    fields: {
      siteName: 'EG-CMS',
      siteTagline: 'a flexible and easy to use cms',
      footerText: 'Copyright 2013 EG-CMS'
  1. List


  <td>Google Plus</td>
name link icon-css-class
    id: 'odb',
    name: 'social icons',
    fields: [
        name: 'GitHub',
        link: 'https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js',
        iconCssClass: 'github'
        name: 'Twitter',
        link: 'https://twitter.com/emberjs',
        iconCssClass: 'twitter'
        name: 'Google Plus',
        link: 'https://plus.google.com/communities/106387049790387471205',
        iconCssClass: 'google-plus'

Google Spreadsheets API

Documentation: https://developers.google.com/google-apps/spreadsheets/

The following two HTTP GET requests are used to query data from a public google spreadsheet:

  1. Worksheet Feed - provides all sheet names and ids
  var spreadsheetKey = '0AhVgr8DOJUHsdHE1ajduUEhOaGpuV3VCQTdxV0lCYWc';
  $.getJSON('https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/worksheets/' + spreadsheetKey + '/public/values?alt=json-in-script&callback=?')
    .then(function(response) {
      console.log('all data', response);
      // returns an array of sheet names and ids
      console.log('relevant data', response.feed.entry);
  1. List Feed - provides data for a specific sheet in the worksheet. The spreadsheets api assumes the first row in each sheet contains column names.
  var spreadsheetKey = '0AhVgr8DOJUHsdHE1ajduUEhOaGpuV3VCQTdxV0lCYWc';
  $.getJSON('https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/' + spreadsheetKey + '/1/public/values?alt=json-in-script&callback=?')
    .then(function(response) {
      console.log('all data', response);
      // returns an array of data for each row in the sheet
      console.log('relevant data', response.feed.entry);

Configure Development Environment

  1. clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/gregjopa/eg-cms.git
  2. change directory: cd eg-cms
  3. install node dependencies: npm install
  4. install bower dependencies: bower install
  5. start your local dev server: grunt server --force