bti - bash twitter idiocy Allows you to pipe your bash input to twitter in an easy and fast manner to annoy the whole world. See the man page bti.1 for how to use it and more information. Be careful if you use this, it is quite easy to end up sending sensitive data to the world with it. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Any questions, contact Greg Kroah-Hartman <> or @gregkh on twitter. bti is developed using git and the tree can be found at: git:// and browsed at: About OAuth configuration If you want to use an OAuth-enabled service (like twitter), you should configure bti to use the consumer key and secret shipped with the source code (check the oath.keys file). For example, you should add the following two lines to your ~/.bti configuration file: ---8<------------------- # Consumer key consumer_key=cZy8DdioswAfu3LJYg6E2w # Consumer secret consumer_secret=fnIGGU0T12mMWKjmThUdSeKN32NLWfmnwapwubVQ ---8<------------------- The next time that you run bti, you will be told to visit an URL that will provide you a PIN number. You should then input that number in the bti prompt, and you will be given two new configuration values (access_token_secret and access_token_key) that you need to add to your bti configuration file to authenticate requests from bti.