
MOBI/AZW/PRC and FB2 ebook format converter to EPUB. Using open source libraries libmobi and fb2-to-epub-converter

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EbookConverter for Android

MOBI/AZW/PRC and FB2 ebook format converter to EPUB. Using open source libraries libmobi by Bartek Fabiszewski (https://github.com/bfabiszewski/libmobi) and fb2-to-epub-converter by Alexey Bobkov (https://code.google.com/archive/p/fb2-to-epub-converter/)

The shared library libEbookConv.so is used in my @Voice Aloud Reader app for Android (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hyperionics.avar) under LGPL license, therefore publishing this source code here also serves to fulfill the terms of LGPL.

The EbookConv.sln and .vcxproj are Visual Studio 2015 solution and project which I use to develop and debug the native Android code, with the help of VisualGDB tools, but the native .so libraries can be also built stand alone by running Android ndk-build command in jni directory.

The MobiTest and Fb2Test are Visual Studio C++ windows command line programs to test the converter code.

The EbookConvTest is a small Android application project (APK) for testing under Android and for the end users, should they wish to use this tool for ebook format conversions.

Greg Kochaniak, Hyperionics