Quiz App Exercise

In this exercise you will build a simple quiz application that takes a list of questions, checks the user's answers for correctness, and provides the user with a final score. After completing the basic functionality, there are further challenges to expand the functionality of the app.


This repo already contains a launch.json file that is configured for you to debug the app, and interact with it using the terminal. Go to the debug panel and press the play button, and the debugger should already work.


  1. run npm install in a terminal window in the project directory.
  2. Finish the implementation of the functions that already exist in the quiz module to get the basic functionality working
  3. Challenge 1: Create a random collection of five questions from the total number of questions for each quiz.
  4. Challenge 2: Allow the user to add custom questions before running the quiz
  5. Challenge 3: Give the questions categories, and allow the user to choose any of:
    • a specific category to be quizzed on,
    • a random assortment of 5 questions or
    • all questions