Build and Push Action

This project contains a custom GitHub Action that builds and pushes Docker images using the Harness Drone CI plugin.


This action is designed to help automate Docker image builds and push operations, triggered within a Drone CI pipeline. By utilizing the plugins/github-actions:0.0.3, the action can be configured to run privileged tasks, including the building and pushing of Docker images to DockerHub.


  • DockerHub Account: Ensure you have a valid DockerHub account and store your credentials securely in the pipeline secrets.
  • Drone CI: Make sure that you have Harness drone plugin configured in your project.
  • GitHub Token: You will need a GitHub token stored in the Drone secrets for authentication during the action execution.


Here’s how you can use the action in your Drone CI pipeline:

- step:
    type: Plugin
    name: Private Action
    identifier: private_action
      connectorRef: account.DockerHubKroon
      image: plugins/github-actions:0.0.3
      privileged: true
        uses: gregkroon/buildandpushaction@v1
          dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
          context: .
          image_name: munkys123/actions-golang
          username: munkys123
          password: <+secrets.getValue("account.dockerhubkroon")>
          tags: <+pipeline.sequenceId>
          GITHUB_TOKEN: <+secrets.getValue("gittoken")>
      runAsUser: "0"
          memory: 8G
          cpu: 2000m

Step Breakdown

  • type: Plugin: Indicates the use of a Drone plugin.
  • image: Specifies the plugin image to use, in this case, the plugins/github-actions with version 0.0.3.
  • privileged: true: Ensures the step runs with the necessary permissions to use Docker-in-Docker (DinD).
  • settings: These are passed to the GitHub Action:
    • dockerfile: Path to the Dockerfile.
    • context: Directory context for the Docker build.
    • image_name: The name of the Docker image to be pushed.
    • username and password: DockerHub credentials pulled from Drone secrets.
    • tags: Dynamically generated tags for the Docker image.
  • env: Environment variables, including the GITHUB_TOKEN required for accessing GitHub.
  • resources: Specifies the resource limits for the build step (8GB memory, 2000m CPU).


You will need to configure the following secrets in Drone CI:

  • account.dockerhubkroon: DockerHub credentials.
  • gittoken: GitHub token for authentication.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.