Build and Push Action Docker

This repository contains a custom GitHub Action that facilitates building and pushing Docker images using Harness CI pipelines the drone plugin for github actions


This action is designed to automate Docker image builds and push processes, leveraging the plugins/github-actions within Harness CI pipelines. It allows for flexible Docker image management, including multi-stage builds and tag management, all integrated with DockerHub.


  • DockerHub Account: Ensure that you have a DockerHub account, and store the credentials securely in the Drone CI pipeline secrets.
  • Drone CI: Make sure the Drone plugin is properly set up for your project.
  • GitHub Token: A GitHub token is needed and should be added to your Drone secrets to authenticate with GitHub repositories.


Below is the YAML configuration for using this action in your Drone CI pipeline:

- step:
    type: Plugin
    name: Build and Push Docker Action
    identifier: build_and_push_docker
      connectorRef: account.DockerHubKroon
      image: plugins/github-actions:0.0.3
      privileged: true
        uses: gregkroon/buildandpushactiondocker@v1
          dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
          context: .
          image_name: munkys123/actions-golang
          username: munkys123
          password: <+secrets.getValue("account.dockerhubkroon")>
          tags: <+pipeline.sequenceId>
          GITHUB_TOKEN: <+secrets.getValue("gittoken")>
      runAsUser: "0"
          memory: 8G
          cpu: 2000m

Step Breakdown

  • type: Plugin: Identifies this step as a Drone plugin step.
  • image: Specifies the image plugins/github-actions:0.0.3 for executing the GitHub Action.
  • privileged: true: Required for Docker-in-Docker operations, enabling the plugin to perform Docker builds and pushes.
  • settings: The uses field specifies the action repository gregkroon/buildandpushactiondocker@v1. Key settings include:
    • dockerfile: Path to the Dockerfile for the build.
    • context: Build context (typically the root of the repository).
    • image_name: The name of the Docker image being pushed to DockerHub.
    • username and password: DockerHub credentials retrieved securely from Drone secrets.
    • tags: Uses the Drone pipeline sequence ID to tag the Docker image.
  • env: Includes the GITHUB_TOKEN, which is required for authenticating with GitHub.
  • resources: Defines resource limits for the step (8GB of memory and 2000m of CPU).


To use this action, you will need the following secrets configured in Drone CI:

  • account.dockerhubkroon: Your DockerHub credentials (username and password).
  • gittoken: GitHub personal access token for authentication.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.