
Policy Bear! Our contribution to the HACK THE ARCTIC hackathon

Primary LanguagePython

Policy Bear

Our contribution to Hack the Arctic, a hackathon to design solutions for environmental challenges.

The Policy Bear is up and running at www.policybear.gregl.it.

  • We developed a prototype for a web interface to generate short and relatable sentences from climate data sets to use them in the next conference or meeting (that starts in only 10 minutes).
  • The web interface enables policy-makers to create nice looking text graphics with a short sentence about the data and a comparison to a day to day measurement.

Policy-makers are able to ...

  • compare concentrations of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide and methane) between different dates and observation stations within the ICOS Atmosphere network (Integrated Carbon Observation System).
  • select a timeframe with either annual or monthly steps (range depends on the dataset availability)
  • compare absolute or relative changes
  • compare change with day-to-day measurements (we included cows and cars)
  • export results as pdf or jpeg in three different beautiful themes
  • share results with colleges and friends

Technical details


  • The data is processed in a flask-powered Python backend that we hosted on a Heroku server.
  • The data is loaded directly via a Python Api of the ICOS data portal.
  • The flask server can process API-calls to access specific values from the chosen dataset.
  • Our python-based backend makes it easy to add all of your favourite datasets in the future.


  • The frontend is a Vue.js web app with Bootstrap styling hosted on a netlify server.
  • All relevant information about available datasets, timeframes and other options are retrieved vie API-calls so that no editing in the frontend is needed to add new data!
  • The API-calls are made dynamically so that changes to the generated sentences can be seen instantly!


  • We processed the data by taking means over all datapoints within the target period.
  • Although data is available at different heights our algorithm is currently still limited to the measurement at lowest height.
  • The day to day measurements comparisons are very rough estimates on the basis of general values so don't expect the most meaningful values.

Further Development

  • Select available ICOS stations via map viewer.
  • Adding more and improving the currently available parameters to compare to.
  • Including gridded datasets and more parameters (such as sea ice cover)
  • Better algorithm to make comparisons more reliable.
  • Improving interface and user experience of our website.