
This repo contains the exercises from Python Testing with pytest (2nd ed.)

Primary LanguagePython

Python Testing with pytest - Studies and Practices

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This repository contains my answers and studies based on the book "Python Testing with pytest". The goal is to apply and deepen the knowledge acquired throughout the reading, practicing the concepts and techniques presented in the book.

Learning and Using Git

I am gradually populating this repository as I progress through the book. This process is also helping me learn and practice using Git, ensuring that each learning step is documented and versioned correctly.

Code Quality with Pre-commit

The repository is configured with the pre-commit tool to improve code quality and ensure good practices. Here are some of the configured hooks:

  • Trailing Whitespace: Removes trailing whitespace at the end of lines.
  • End-of-file Fixer: Ensures files end with a blank line.
  • Check YAML: Check the correct formatting of YAML files.
  • Check Added Large Files: Prevents the accidental addition of large files.
  • Debug Statements: Detects and prevents commits containing debug statements.
  • Detect Private Key: Prevents the accidental commit of private keys.
  • Name Tests Test: Ensures test files are named correctly.
  • Requirements-txt-fixer: Automatically adjusts the requirements.txt file.
  • Isort: Automatically organizes imports.
  • Pydocstyle: Checks docstring compliance with style standards.
  • Add Trailing Comma: Adds commas at the end of lists or dictionaries.
  • Autopep8: Automatically formats code according to PEP 8.
  • Flake8: Checks the code to follow PEP 8 guidelines.
  • Mypy: Checks static typing of the code.
  • Bandit: A static code analysis tool for security.
  • Commitizen: Assists in creating standardized commit messages.

Continuous Configuration Review

The pre-commit configuration file is under constant review. As I encounter errors or conflicts in the commit stage, I am adjusting the config file to maintain the balance between code quality and practical usability.