
Deploy websites to your server on change in GitHub

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


git clone https://github.com/gregor160300/GitDeploy.git deploy
cd deploy
mv *.php ..
cd ..
rm -R -f deploy
chmod 0644 config.php deploy.php
  1. SSH into your servers DocumentRoot & run commands above
  2. Add http(s)://yourdomain.tld/deploy.php to your GitHub webhooks
  3. Define your settings in config.php


  • Make sure you have ssh access to the (private) repos
  • First clone yourrepos once manually

#####What this does

  • Auto pull your repo on a new git commit
  • Set permissions to prevent internal server errors (0755 for directories & 0644 for files)


  • Multi repo support
  • Set permissions only for files updated (currently it messes up any special permissions on your server)