
Keep track of your New Yorker reading history in an SQL database! :)

Primary LanguagePython

For all avid readers of the New Yorker who, like me, can't remember what they've read: Provide single URLs of articles or a CSV of article URLs, and have article metadata like title, author(s), date published, rubric, tags and word count be read into a SQL database for querying.


screenshot of ElephantSQL query


I read the New Yorker religiously and was always dissatisfied with the Saved Articles section's inability to let me better query what I've read by tag, author, or rubric. So I wrote this little app to parse the HTML of articles I've read for key metadata and save these into a SQL database.


Clone this repo to your local disk.

Set up an empty, ideally web-hosted PostgreSQL database. There are many options but I'm using ElephantSQL's free tier for now. Copy your database's URI into the .env file in the root or enter it when prompted upon launching the app.


Make sure you have the following packages installed in your environment:

  - beautifulsoup>=4.9.3
  - pyscopg2>=2.9.1
  - tqdm>=4.62.3

Then, in your command prompt, cd (change directory) to the repo root and run

python app.py

In the menu, choose whether you want to (1) add the metadata to your database for a single article, (2) for multiple articles via the absolute path to a CSV of article URLs (no headers), or (3) list all articles currently in your database.

screenshot of menu

For (2) a progress bar is displayed.

screenshot of progress bar

Known Issues/To-Dos

  • tags for some types of articles cannot yet reliably be parsed or are not tagged
  • duplicate articles are not automatically skipped
  • there may be HTML patterns for author bylines which are not yet supported in which case an error with the respective URL is thrown - let me know!


Check out Teclado's excellent Complete Python/PostgreSQL Course 2.0 on Udemy which inspired a significant chunk of the code base.