Laravel in Kubernetes
This is the code that I used for my article in where I explain how to deploy a Laravel application in kubernetes using DigitalOcean as a cloud provider.
You can read the article in Spanish.
Get started
Clone the manifests.
$ git clone
$ cd laravel-in-kubernetes
Then you have to generate a configuration file for your Laravel application.
$ cp .env.example .env
Modify your environment variables depending on your requirements. You can use this command to generate a valid application key for laravel:
$ echo "base64:$(openssl rand -base64 32)"
Then copy the result of this operation and assign it to the environment
variable APP_KEY in the .env
Finally you must generate a secret of kuberntes from the configuration file .env:
$ kubectl create secret generic laravel-environment \
-n laravel-app \
--from-file=.env \
--dry-run \
-o yaml > 01-secrets.yml
Finally apply all manifests using a command:
$ kubectl apply -f .
If you are using minikube you can use the
minikube service list
command to obtain the public ip address of your load balancer that will take you to the Laravel application. -
If you are using a cloud provider like DigitalOcean using
kubectl -n laravel-app get svc -o wide
you can get your public ip address.