Flight Analytics

Flight Analytics with sparklyR Created by Michiaki Ariga (aki@cloudera.com)

Status: Demo Ready

Use Case: Analytics of US flights and building a predictive model


  1. Open a CDSW terminal and run setup.sh
  2. Create a R Session and run setup.R
  3. Run flight-analytics.R in the same R Session.
  4. Optionally, run flight-regression.R in an R session. This will take a longer amount of time and you may want to run it in another session.
  5. When finished, run cleanup.R in your R session and cleanup.sh in the terminal

Recommended Session Sizes: 4 CPU, 8 GB RAM

Recommended Jobs/Pipeline:


Estimated Runtime:
flight-analytics.R --> approx 1 min flight-regression.R --> approx 15 min

Demo Script

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