
Stardog Helm Charts

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Stardog Helm Charts

License stardog-union

These charts install the Stardog Knowledge Graph platform on Kubernetes.

Stardog documentation: https://www.stardog.com/docs


As of version 2.0.0 of the Stardog Helm charts, ZooKeeper 3.5.7 is now deployed with the Bitnami ZooKeeper chart. Stardog 7.4.2 includes preview support for ZooKeeper 3.5.x so you must be running that version of Stardog or later. Please see the Stardog chart README for instructions on how to upgrade from version 1.x of the charts to version 2.

We strongly recommend that the charts request at least 2 CPUs or more for Stardog. By default the Stardog chart requests 2 CPUs. This value can be configured in the values.yaml file.


  • Stardog Cluster license file
  • Helm v3
  • Persistent volume support
  • Load balancer service
  • Familiarity with Stardog Cluster
  • Familiarity with Apache ZooKeeper


$ kubectl -n <your-namespace> create secret generic stardog-license --from-file stardog-license-key.bin=/path/to/stardog-license-key.bin
$ helm repo add stardog https://stardog-union.github.io/helm-charts/
$ helm install <helm-release-name> --namespace <your-namespace> stardog/stardog

See the Stardog chart's README for a list of configuration parameters.


$ helm delete <helm-release-name> --namespace <your-namespace>

Running the tests locally

This assume you have Docker installed and running this on MacOs. For other systems, install their corresponding binaries.

Install minikube

# Get the one from here https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/releases For macos, this is the latest version
curl -Lo minikube https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/releases/download/<minikube-version>/minikube-darwin-arm64
chmod +x minikube
sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/

Start minikube

Your k8s version should be the same as your kubectl version. This will update you ~/.kube/config file and set minikube to the current context.

minikube start --driver=docker --kubernetes-version=v.1.29.0

Set up the Stardog license

Make sure you have a proper stardog license called stardog-license-key.bin located in the root directory of this project.

kubectl create secret generic stardog-license --from-file stardog-license-key.bin=stardog-license-key.bin

Install Stardog as a helm release

helm install stardog charts/stardog/ --wait --timeout 15m -f tests/minikube.yaml \
 --set "cluster.enabled=false" \
--set "replicaCount=1" \
--set "zookeeper.enabled=false"

Run the tests
