
Primary LanguageEmacs LispGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is my very minimal presentation tool using Org Mode.

“Slides” are simply narrowed Org Mode subtrees with an optional image displayed

This package is so minimalist it doesn’t even require using a minor mode - just bind two keys!


;; TODO: integrate explanation of slide show stuff including image resizing with ;; disabling window-divider-mode and fringe-mode ;; use org-tidy-mode to hide PROPERTIES drawer ;; include straight-use-package using GitHub repo

Slides with images setup

Add “image” property to each level of your outline where you want the image to change.

Images are displayed in other-window

Image preparation

One style I like is to have images take up a 3:4 ratio as in @daveshap’s presentations

To crop your images to this ratio, I use the ImageMagick convert command

convert dark-siamese-steampunk-cat.webp -gravity center -extent 3:4 dark-siamese-steampunk-cat-3-4.png

A script for multiple files

cd uncropped-images
for i in *; do
    basef=$(echo $i | sed 's,\.\([^\.]\+\?\)$,,')
    echo "Converting ${i} to ${basef}-crop-3-4.png"
    convert "${i}" -gravity center -extent 3:4 ../img/"${basef}-crop-4-3.png"


To get the intended look on your presentations, consider installing these packages from elpa/melpa:

  • org-tidy to hide the PROPERTIES drawer
  • hide-mode-line or mask-mode-line to allow global hiding of the mode line. This package looks for either of these modes and will activate whichever it finds when running = org-powerslides-start-presentation=

Before starting the presentation, set your font size to the desired presentation size by using global-text-scale-adjust or similar. If using images in your presentation, set up the “other-window” to the relative position you prefer (left, right, up, down).

Use org-powerslides-post-image-load-hook to do any additional adjustments right after a slide image has been first loaded (visited). For instance, the packages that attempt to hide the mode line can be thwarted by image-mode’s aggressive attempt to redisplay the mode line for its window.

An example might be

(add-hook 'org-powerslides-post-image-load-hook #'org-powerslides--hide-mode-line)

Alternative packages

The primary one is Richard Lister’s org-present