
Attempt at running .NET on AWS Lambda

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This project tries to use apex to turn the helloworld .NET sample into an AWS Lambda. The goal is to return "Hello World!" from .NET running on AWS Lambda. If successful, running npm start will create the AWS Lambda on AWS, invoke it (calling .NET code), and return the result.

The dist/ directory is set up like apex expects and src/ contains the .NET sample project. See package.json for the scripts.

My hope is that this will run as-is if compiled on a Amazon Linux machine. (If compiled with my Mac it throws /var/task/helloworld: cannot execute binary file when invoked.) I guess I'll have to build a server to find out. I should also mention that I don't really understand all the implications of passing --native and --cpp to dotnet compile but it looks cool.

To play:

  1. Set up everything apex requires which includes a AWS account.
  2. Install the latest .NET Core SDK to get the dotnet CLI.
  3. Install Node.js if you want to run the npm tasks.