
Rack application to redirect every url ending by a /

Primary LanguageRuby


Rack::Slashless is Rack application that redirects every GET requests ending by a / to the same url without the /.

Rack::Slashless is an easy SEO win, the gem will avoid duplicate contents across your site. For example, you can access the page example.com/blog/ or example.com/blog, both have exactly the same content but with a different url, this causes a duplicate content for Google.

If you want more details regarding Duplicate Content, here is the Guide from Google.


Install the gem locally using:

gem install rack_slashless

... or add it to your project's Gemfile:

gem 'rack_slashless'



config.middleware.insert_before(0, "Rack::Slashless")


app.rb (your application file)

require 'sinatra'
require 'rack_slashless'

use Rack::Slashless


Gregory Marcilhacy
License: MIT