Get a list of email IDs of any valid GitHub user from one function call even if there are no public emails for that user
It checks for all the public commits of the user and if the name of the author of commit is same as the name of user, it fetches that email ID.
pip install github_email
git clone
cd github_email
python install
import github_email
# get JSON response for user
response = github_email.get(<username>, <max_limit>)
if response['success']:
# prints a list of emails retrieved from public commits of user
print response['email']
# prints the error message related to any error that occured
print response['message']
![github_email](screenshots/Screenshot from 2016-06-26 06:41:23.png?raw=true)
github-email by paulirish
I wanted to write a module, so as to use this in other projects