
An API for convert an python object in a xml or json document

Primary LanguagePython


Converts python objects in xml or json documents, and viceversa.


You must have installed python 2.7 or 3.3+.

Download the api from github (https://github.com/rancavil/python-convert/archive/master.zip).

Unzip python-convert-master.zip

 $ unzip python-convert-master.zip

Go to the directory and install the api.

 $ cd python-convert-master
 $ python setup.py install

Or you can install it using.

 $ pip install pyconvert


With pyconvert you can transform and serialize a python object in a xml or json document.


Convert a python object in a python dictionary (json).

Create the file example_json.py

 #!/usr/bin/env python

 import pyconvert.pyconv

 class Person(object):
      def __init__(self, name, age):
      	self.name = name
      	self.age = age

 p = Person("Rodrigo",30)

 json_person = pyconvert.pyconv.convert2JSON(p)
 print("name : %s"%json_person['name'])
 print("age  : %d"%json_person['age'])

This example convert a python object Person in a python dict (json document).

 $ python example_json.py

The output must be:

 {u'age':30, u'name':u'Rodrigo'}
 name : Rodrigo
 age  : 30

Convert a python object in a python xml.dom.minidom.Document (xml).

Create the file example_xml.py

 #!/usr/bin/env python

 import pyconvert.pyconv

 class Person(object):
      def __init__(self, name, age):
      	self.name = name
      	self.age = age

 p = Person("Rodrigo",30)

 xml_person = pyconvert.pyconv.convert2XML(p)

This example convert a python object Person in a python xml.dom.minidom.Document.

 $ python example_xml.py

The output must be:

 <?xml version="1.0" ?>

A little more complex example.

Create a file called example_order.py

 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import pyconvert.pyconv
 class Book(object):
      isbn = int
      name = str

 class Order(object):
      number = int
      book = [Book]
 b1 = Book()
 b1.isbn = 135573023167
 b1.name = "Learning Python"
 b2 = Book()
 b2.isbn = 978602122321
 b2.name = "Temporada de Zopilotes"

 order = Order()
 order.number = 331
 order.book = [b1,b2]

 json_doc = pyconvert.pyconv.convert2JSON(order)
 xml_doc = pyconvert.pyconv.convert2XML(order)

Save and execute the example:

 $ python example_order.py

The output must be:

 {u'books': [
 		{u'isbn': 135573023167, u'name': u'Learning Python'}, 
 		{u'isbn': 978602122321, u'name': u'Temporada de Zopilotes'}
 u'number': 331}

 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
		<name>Learning Python</name>
		<name>Temporada de Zopilotes</name>

Create a file called example_music.py

 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import pyconvert.pyconv
 class Band(object):
    name_band = str
    year_band = int

 class Album(object):
    band_album = Band
    name_album = str
    year_album = int
    song = [str]

 band = Band()
 band.name_band = "Led Zeppelin"
 band.year_band = 1968
 album = Album()
 album.band_album = band
 album.name_album = "House of Holy"
 album.year_album = 1973
 album.song = list()
 album.song.append("The Song Remains the Same")
 album.song.append("The Rain Song")
 album.song.append("Over the Hills and Far Away")
 album.song.append("The Crunge")
 album.song.append("Dancing Days")
 album.song.append("D'yer Mak'er")
 album.song.append("No Quarter")
 album.song.append("The Ocean")

 json_doc = pyconvert.pyconv.convert2JSON(album)
 xml_doc = pyconvert.pyconv.convert2XML(album)

Save and execute the program:

 $ python example_music.py

You must see the next output.

 {u'year_album': 1973, 
  u'name_album': u'House of Holy', 
  u'songs': [
       u'The Song Remains the Same', 
       u'The Rain Song', 
       u'Over the Hills and Far Away', 
       u'The Crunge', 
       u'Dancing Days', 
       u"D'yer Mak'er", 
       u'No Quarter', 
       u'The Ocean'], 
 u'band_album': {u'name_band': u'Led Zeppelin', 
                 u'year_band': 1968}

 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
            <song>The Song Remains the Same</song>
            <song>The Rain Song</song>
            <song>Over the Hills and Far Away</song>
            <song>The Crunge</song>
            <song>Dancing Days</song>
            <song>D'yer Mak'er</song>
            <song>No Quarter</song>
            <song>The Ocean</song>
      <name_album>House of Holy</name_album>
            <name_band>Led Zeppelin</name_band>

Convert XML document to Python Object

This example converts an xml document in a Python Object.

 from pyconvert.pyconv import convertXML2OBJ
 from xml.dom.minidom import parseString

 xmlDoc = """
         <title>Python and XML</title>
              <author>Christopher A. Jones</author>
              <author>Fred L.Drake, Jr.</author>

 class Book(object):
      isbn = long
      language = str
      title = str
      authors = [str]
      url = str

 xml = parseString(xmlDoc)
 obj = convertXML2OBJ(Book,xml.documentElement)

 print("isbn     : %ld "%obj.isbn)
 print("language : %s  "%obj.language)
 print("title    : %s  "%obj.title)
 print("url      : %s  "%obj.url)
 for author in obj.authors:
      print("\t %s "%author)