
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Documentation: https://django-purge.readthedocs.io

Source: https://github.com/gregschmit/django-purge

PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/django-purge/

Purge is a reusable Django app for regularly purging old database entries, like logs.

The Problem: Tables/models like sessions and logs can grow without limit.

The Solution: This app allows you to schedule database purging of old records. You can also make FilePurgers which can purge old files based on datestamps in the filename or timestamps in the meta-data (atime/mtime/ctime).

How to Use

$ pip install django-purge

Include purge in your INSTALLED_APPS. Then, create your database purgers or file purgers in the admin interface.

Then, either periodically call the purge management command (e.g., via a system cronjob), or install and configure django-cron (add purge.cron to your CRON_CLASSES in your settings.py). The builtin CronJob class is set to run every 4 hours. You can change this by altering your settings.py and adding PURGE_CRON_RUN_AT_TIMES to an array of times you want to run the job at (e.g., ['1:00'] to run at 1am).


Create a pull request if you want to contribute. You must only contribute code that you have authored or otherwise hold the copyright to, and you must make any contributions to this project available under the MIT license.

To collaborators: don't push using the --force option.

Dev Quickstart

Purge comes with a settings.py file, technically making it a Django project as well as a Django app. First clone, the repository into a location of your choosing:

$ git clone https://github.com/gregschmit/django-purge

Then you can go into the django-purge directory and do the initial migrations and run the server (you may need to type python3 rather than python):

$ cd django-purge
$ python manage.py makemigrations
$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py createsuperuser
$ python manage.py runserver

Then you can see the models at