Django REST Scaffold

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REST Scaffold is a Django app that provides a template tag helper for using the rest-scaffold.js library.

The Problem: AJAX is nice because if you have an API, then you don't need separate pages/views for listing, creating, and updating model instances. But writing custom AJAX tables on the frontend can be time-consuming.

The Solution: This app provides a template tag that uses rest-scaffold.js to quickly render "scaffolds", which are tables that have controls which interact with your API.

How to Use

$ pip install django-rest-scaffold

Include rest_scaffold in your INSTALLED_APPS.

Build your API or create one using AutoREST.

Then, insert a scaffold using the rest_scaffold template tag. At the top you'll need to load the template tag:

{% load rest_scaffold %}

And then wherever you want in the HTML page, inject the scaffold:

{% rest_scaffold 'user' api_root='api' %}

In the above example, you would see a scaffold for the User model.


Open a pull request fixing a bug or implementing a feature if you want to contribute. You must only contribute code that you have authored or otherwise hold the copyright to, and you must make any contributions to this project available under the MIT license.

To collaborators: don't push using the --force option.

Dev Quickstart

REST Scaffold comes with a file, technically making it a Django project as well as a Django app. First clone, the repository into a location of your choosing:

$ git clone

Then you can go into the django-rest-scaffold directory, install the test environment requirements, and then migrate and run the local development server:

$ cd django-rest-scaffold
$ pip install -r requirements-test.txt
$ python migrate
$ python createsuperuser
$ python runserver

Then you can see the api at, and you can see the example scaffold page at