
This is little Django Rest Framework API and an Angular site to view Origins events. The data is stored in a sqlite DB that has been loaded from the most recent, Event-Sheet-4-23-18.csv, CSV file they provide on the site.

You can search and filter on most event data and even mark ones you are intested in to help plan a great gaming weekend.

Run Natively

Install all python desp. This should be done in a virtual env pip install -r requirements.txt

Create initial database schema python manage.py migrate

Load Origins CSV file. This will run scripts/load_csv.py and load Event-Sheet-4-23-18.csv from the current directory. python manage.py runscript load_csv

Launch we server gunicorn -config gunicorn.conf origins.wsgi

Run in Docker

This will run all of the commands in the Native section but inside a container

docker build . -t origins
docker run -p 8080:8080 origins

or you can download the image from the Google registry and not build your own..

docker run -i gcr.io/origins-202415/origins:latest