
You chart your course down a river of functions. Portage gets you through the asynchronous rapids.

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


Reading and writing code that uses asynchronous functions can feel a bit like canoeing down a river full of waterfalls. Just when you're getting the hang of things, an asynchronous call forces you to stop, get out of the flow, and figure out where it picks up again.

Portage helps with this. It automatically carries your code across portageable asynchronous functions, letting you mix normal and asynchronous functions without breaking up the flow of your code.


(use 'portage.core)

;; Portage carries your code over asynchronous bumps in the control
;; flow. To do this, the asynchonous function must be marked as
;; :portageable and accept a callback function as its first argument.
;; For example:
(defn ^:portageable async-str
  [callback & args]
  (.start (Thread. (fn []
                     (println "Awaiting asynchronous result...")
                     (Thread/sleep 3000)
                     (callback (apply str args))))))

;; Using the -+-> macro, you can thread together normal and portageable
;; asynchronous functions. The -+-> macro always returns nil: the final
;; form should do something with the result.
(-+-> "With portage "
      (str "you can mix normal ")
      (async-str "and asynchronous functions ")
      (str "in the same flow.")
      (async-str "\nCarry on.")

;; The above form will immediately return nil and then you'll see the
;; following output:
;;   Awaiting asynchronous result...
;;   Awaiting asynchronous result...
;;   With portage you can mix normal and asynchronous functions in the same flow.
;;   Carry on.

Handling Errors

Functions can return--or pass to the result callback, in the case of asynchronous functions--an error value created with portage.core/error to indicate that an error has occurred during processing. By default, all remaining intermediate forms will be skipped and only the final form will be invoked with the error value. This can be overridden by tagging functions used in intermediate forms with the :accepts-errors metadata. Any such function will receive the error value rather than being skipped.

Use portage.core/error? to determine whether a value is an error. The value wrapped in an error can be retrieved with portage.core/error-value.

To Do

  • Catch exceptions in form execution and wrap them in portage errors
  • Parallel async flows
  • Convenience wrapper block waiting for blocking for, and returning, final result


Copyright (c) 2012 Greg Spurrier

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for the details.