
Sendbird web-widget sample, tweaked for OnShift PoC

Primary LanguageJavaScript

OnShift Chat Widget

A chat widget designed to be used in both mobile and non-mobile environments. Utilizing Sendbird and the SDK they provide, this widget will allow for conversational communication between the various members of a given Engage community.

Running in Development Mode

  • Clone the repo
  • run npm install
  • run npm run start-dev
    • this will start the chat widget on localhost:9000



this is still very much in development, but we're trying to keep the documentation up to date


The widget is still in it's infancy and there are some warts we inherited from the Sendbird team. In order to bundle the widget with another project, the following must occur


To incorporate the widget, the following code must be written in a React project

    import SendBirdWidget from 'onshift-chat-widget/src/js/widget';`
    let sbWidget = new SendBirdWidget()
  • in order to initialize the widget, a div with an id of sb_widget must exist somewhere in the DOM
  • in order to start the widget, invoke sbWidget.startWithConnect(appId, userId, userName) where
    • appId: the id of the Sendbird application we are connecting to
    • userId: the id of the user who is connecting to the Sendbird application
    • userName: the name to be displayed when displaying their name (in SB parlance, this is the nickname)

Running the tests

We are going to use the jest test running framework, as that seems to be the framework that newer OnShift components are migrating to. To run the tests, simply run npm run test.