ClearView K8 Workshop


You will be orchestrating a number of services in a microservice fashion! By adopting the api gateway pattern:

Acceptance Criteria:

  • I should be able to build gateway, member, and product container image using docker compose
  • I should be able to deploy all 3 application to a kubernetes cluster
  • I should be able to query the member and product services through the gateway service in a kubernetes cluster

Bonus points for:

  • Using configmap to manage your environment variables
  • Utilizing multiple deployment objects

Minikube Important Note!

If you're not planning to use docker hub to store your container image, and looking to build docker images directly into Minikube docker environment, do:

# Run this in your terminal
eval $(minikube docker-env)

# Verify
docker images

Keep in mind that this will only remain accessible on the current shell session. If you switch to a new tab or new session, you will need to re-run the eval command to access the cluster's docker environment.