
Primary LanguageJavaScript

DSP Graphs Project

This is a little lib for making some pretty graphs, here's what I have so far. This works with P5JS it doesnt make any sound, just pretty graphs

DSP Utilities

  • Osc
  • Sat
  • Envelope

UI Utilities

  • Graph
  • Slider

Here's some brief documentation chat gpt wrote

DSP Utilities

This file defines several classes for digital signal processing.

Osc (Oscillator)


The Osc class extends FunctionObject and represents an oscillator which generates waveforms of different shapes.


The Osc class can be instantiated with either a string representing the waveform shape or an object containing parameters.

let osc = new Osc('sine');
// or
let osc = new Osc({shape: 'sine', freq: 440});


  • y(x): Computes and returns the y-value of the waveform at the given x position.
  • get_x_range(): Returns the range of x values for the oscillator.

Sat (Saturation)


The Sat class extends FunctionObject and represents a saturation effect applied to a signal.


The Sat class can be instantiated with either a string representing the saturation shape or an object containing parameters.

let sat = new Sat('tanh');
// or
let sat = new Sat({shape: 'tanh', gain: 2});


  • y(x): Computes and returns the y-value of the saturated signal at the given x position.
  • get_x_range(): Returns the range of x values for the saturation effect.

ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release)


The ADSR class extends Envelope and represents an ADSR envelope generator.


The ADSR class can be instantiated with values for attack, decay, sustain, and release.

let adsr = new ADSR(10, 50, 0.5, 100);


  • y(x): Computes and returns the y-value of the envelope at the given x position.
  • get_length(): Returns the total length of the envelope.

UI Utilities



Slider is a UI element that lets users adjust a value within a range.


Create a slider, set its position, and draw it on the canvas.

let mySlider = new Slider("Osc1 Freq", [0, 1]); // put "Osc1 Freq" as the label, and set the range to 0 to 1
mySlider.pos = [10, 20];



Graph visualizes functions on a canvas, allowing for real-time interactive exploration.


You can use pre-defined functions from dsp_utils or compose your own.

Example 1: Using Pre-defined Functions

let viz = new Graph();
let osc1 = new Osc('sine');
viz.setup(osc1); // this should go in your setup
viz.draw(osc1); // this goes in your draw if you want to make it interactive (obvs)

Example 2: Composing Custom Functions Create a custom function object and pass it to the graph.

let osc1 = new Osc('sine');
let osc2 = new Osc('square');
let obj = {
    y: (x) => {
        return osc1.y(x + osc2.y(x)); // the output of osc2 modulates the phase of osc1
    xrange: osc1.xrange

let viz = new Graph();

Example 3: A bit more stuff so you can get a feel for how it works Yes hi its me again, the stuff above is chatgpt and now I'm back

// set up some oscillators
let osc1 = new Osc("sine");
let osc2 = new Osc({shape: "square", freq: 2, gain:1.}); // we can pass a dictionary of params here also

let viz = new Graph(); // main graph
let viz2 = new Graph(); // lil graph underneath

let slide = new Slider("Osc2 Phase"); // slap a slider in there with a label

let obj = {
    y: (x) => {
        return osc1.y(x + osc2.y(x)); // custom function, you can put whatever in here just make sure you define the x range
    xrange: osc1.xrange // important, this is the range of x values that will be passed to your function

function setup() {
    createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
    viz.size = [600, 300];
    viz.pos = [width/2, height/2];
    slide.pos = [viz.pos[0]- (viz.size[0]/2 + 40), viz.pos[1]];

    viz.setup(obj); // this setup thing is sort of just a helper thing to automagically set some stuff up

    viz2.size[0] = viz.size[0];
    viz2.pos = [...viz.pos];
    viz2.pos[1] += 300; // put the second graph below the first one


function draw() {

    osc2.params.phase = slide.value * TAU; // probably shouldve set the range of our slider to this but whatever
    //osc2.gain = 0.5; // osc2 and osc1 are still in there so you can just assign the slide.value to their params willy nilly

    // draw the rest of the stuff and you're done. this will be more automagic later

