CorEx or "Correlation Explanation" discovers a hierarchy of informative latent factors. This reference implementation has been superseded by other versions below.
- aaronplasekYale Law
- aka7hBangalore
- B-RichNone
- BBAbsa
- billhibazzz
- byoo
- eemailme
- eswar3Los Angeles
- gregversteegUniversity of California Riverside
- hkf
- jbgh2@majorboost
- jeremydouglassU. California Santa Barbara
- jpkrooney
- KarlosSverige
- karmacelinaNew York, NY
- kcskouVancouver, Canada
- kusha31Rice University
- leconteurQuébec, Qc, Canada
- MarkusPfundsteinLIFE Electronic
- MaxxtheCat
- nunofernandes-plightPhotonics Precision Technologies, The Intelligence of Information & FasterCapital
- paper2code-bot@paper2code
- pdkWatson
- pgbana
- RKD314Geneva, SZ
- se4u
- tisimpsonUniversity of Edinburgh
- trycatcher
- ttricheVan Andel Research Institute
- turambar@wizardcommerce
- usptact
- vedinaIdeaconsult Ltd. @ideaconsult
- VPManskeFerris State University
- yihliang831209