
List all connected drives in your computer, in all major operating systems.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


List all connected drives in your computer, in all major operating systems.

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Notice that this module does not require admin privileges to get the drives in any supported operating system.


  • Windows.
  • GNU/Linux distributions that include util-linux and udev.
  • Mac OS X.

Examples (the output will vary depending on your machine):

var drivelist = require('drivelist');

drivelist.list(function(error, disks) {
    if (error) throw error;

Mac OS X:

    device: '/dev/disk0',
    description: 'GUID_partition_scheme',
    size: 68719476736,
    mountpoint: '/',
    name: /dev/disk0,
    raw: /dev/rdisk0,
    protected: false,
    system: true
    device: '/dev/disk1',
    description: 'Apple_HFS Macintosh HD',
    size: 68719476736,
    name: /dev/disk1,
    raw: /dev/rdisk0,
    protected: false,
    system: true


    device: '/dev/sda',
    description: 'WDC WD10JPVX-75J',
    size: 68719476736,
    mountpoint: '/',
    name: '/dev/sda',
    raw: '/dev/sda',
    protected: false,
    system: true
    device: '/dev/sdb',
    description: 'DataTraveler 2.0',
    size: 7823458304,
    mountpoint: '/media/UNTITLED',
    name: '/dev/sdb',
    raw: '/dev/sdb',
    protected: true,
    system: false


    device: '\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE0',
    description: 'WDC WD10JPVX-75JC3T0',
    size: 68719476736,
    mountpoint: 'C:',
    name: 'C:',
    raw: '\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE0',
    protected: false,
    system: true
    device: '\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE1',
    description: 'Generic STORAGE DEVICE USB Device',
    size: 7823458304,
    mountpoint: 'D:',
    name: 'D:',
    raw: '\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE1',
    protected: true,
    system: false


Install drivelist by running:

$ npm install --save drivelist



List available drives.

The function will throw an error if you attempt to call it from an unsupported operating system.

callback(error, drives)

  • error is a possible error.
  • drives is an array of objects describing the drives found.


Run the test suite by doing:

$ gulp test


We're looking forward to support more operating systems. Please raise an issue or even better, send a PR to increase support!

Before submitting a PR, please make sure that you include tests, and that coffeelint runs without any warning:

$ gulp lint


If you're having any problem, please raise an issue on GitHub.


The project is licensed under the MIT license.