
React styleguide generator

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Styleguidist

Build Status

React components style guide generator with a hot reloaded (style guide) dev server.

Example style guide.


npm install --save-dev react react-dom react-styleguidist

Add a styleguide.config.js file into your project’s root folder:

module.exports = {
  rootDir: './lib',
  components: './components/**/*.js'

See Configuration section below for the list of available options.

Add these scripts to your package.json:

"scripts": {
  "styleguide-server": "styleguidist server",
  "styleguide-build": "styleguidist build"

And run npm run styleguide-server to start styleguide dev server.

Documenting components

Styleguidist generates documentation from 2 sources:

PropTypes and component description

Components' PropTypes and documentation comments are parsed by the react-docgen library. Have a look at their example of a component documentation.

Usage examples and further documentation

Examples are written in Markdown where any code block will be rendered as a react component. By default any Readme.md in the component folder is treated as an examples file but you can change it with the getExampleFilename option.

React component example:

  <Button size="large">Push Me</Button>

Any [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/):

* Foo;
* bar;
* baz.

You can use any component returned by the components function. You can require other modules from examples in Markdown:

const mockData = require('./mocks');
<Message content={mockData.hello}/>

This allows you to reuse mock data from your tests in the style guide.

Each example has its own state that you can access at the state variable and change with the setState function. Default state is {}.

  <button onClick={() => setState({isOpen: true})}>Open</button>
  <Modal isOpen={state.isOpen}>
    <button onClick={() => setState({isOpen: false})}>Close</button>

If you want to set the default state you can do something like that:

'key' in state || setState({key: 42});

You can use React.createClass in your code examples, but it’s often a good idea to define them in a separate JavaScript file instead and then just require them in Markdown.

lodash library is available at the _ object:

<List items={_.range(7).map(i => `Item ${i}`)}/>


You can change some settings in the styleguide.config.js file in your project’s root folder.

  • rootDir
    Type: String, required
    Your app’s frontend root folder (eg. ./lib). Should not point to a folder with the Styleguidist config and node_modules folder.

  • components
    Type: String or Function, required

    • when String: a glob pattern that matches all your component modules. Relative to the rootDir.
    • when Function: function that returns an array of modules.

    If your components look like components/Button.js or components/Button/Button.js or components/Button/index.js:

    components: './components/**/*.js',

    If your components look like components/Button/Button.js + components/Button/index.js:

    module.exports = {
      // ...
      components: function(config, glob) {
        return glob.sync(config.rootDir + '/components/**/*.js').filter(function(module) {
          return /\/[A-Z]\w*\.js$/.test(module);
  • skipComponentsWithoutExample
    Type: Boolean, default: false
    When set to true, ignore components that don't have an example file (as determined by getExampleFilename).

  • styleguideDir
    Type: String, default: styleguide
    Folder for static HTML style guide generated with styleguidist build command.

  • template
    Type: String, default: src/templates/index.html
    HTML file to use as the template for the output.

  • title
    Type: String, default: Style guide
    Style guide title.

  • serverHost
    Type: String, default: localhost
    Dev server host name.

  • serverPort
    Type: Number, default: 3000
    Dev server port.

  • highlightTheme
    Type: String, default: base16-light
    CodeMirror theme name to use for syntax highlighting in examples.

  • getExampleFilename
    Type: Function, default: finds Readme.md in the component folder
    Function that returns examples file path for a given component path.

    For example, instead of Readme.md you can use ComponentName.examples.md:

    module.exports = {
      // ...
      getExampleFilename: function(componentpath) {
        return componentpath.replace(/\.jsx?$/,   '.examples.md');
  • getComponentPathLine
    Type: Function, default: optional
    Function that returns a component path line (a component path under a component name in a style guide).

    For example, instead of components/Button/Button.js you can print import Button from 'components/Button';:

    var path = require('path');
    module.exports = {
      // ...
      getComponentPathLine: function(componentpath) {
        var name = path.basename(componentpath, '.js');
        var dir = path.dirname(componentpath);
        return 'import ' + name + ' from \'' + dir + '\';';
  • updateWebpackConfig
    Type: Function, optional
    Function that allows you to modify Webpack config for style guide:

    module.exports = {
      // ...
      updateWebpackConfig: function(webpackConfig, env) {
        if (env === 'development') {
          // Modify config...
        return webpackConfig;

Config example

module.exports = {
  title: 'Style guide example',
  rootDir: './example',
  components: './**/*.js',
  getExampleFilename: function(componentpath) {
    return componentpath.replace(/\.js$/, '.examples.md');

CLI commands and options

These commands supposed to be placed in package.json scripts (see Installation section above). If you want to run them from command line do it like this: ./node_modules/.bin/styleguidist.

styleguidist server: Run dev server.

styleguidist build: Generate a static HTML style guide.


  • --config: Specify path to a config file: styleguidist server --config dir/styleguide.config.js.

  • --verbose: Print debug information.


How to add custom JS and CSS?

Add a new Webpack entry point. In your style guide config:

var path = require('path');
module.exports = {
  // ...
  updateWebpackConfig: function(webpackConfig, env) {
    webpackConfig.entry.push(path.join(__dirname, 'path/to/script.js'));
    webpackConfig.entry.push(path.join(__dirname, 'path/to/styles.css'));
    return webpackConfig;

You may need an appropriate Webpack loader to handle these files.

How to change styles of a style guide?

Add a new Webpack entry point in your style guide config:

var path = require('path');
module.exports = {
  // ...
  updateWebpackConfig: function(webpackConfig, env) {
    webpackConfig.entry.push(path.join(__dirname, 'lib/styleguide/styles.css'));
    return webpackConfig;

Now you can change almost any piece of a style guide. For example you can change a font and a background color:

.ReactStyleguidist-common__font {
  font-family: "Comic Sans MS", "Comic Sans", cursive;
.ReactStyleguidist-colors__base-bg {
  background: hotpink;

Use your browser’s developer tools to find CSS class names of the elements you want to change.

How to change the behaviour of a style guide?

You can replace any Styleguidist React component. In your style guide config:

var path = require('path');
module.exports = {
  // ...
  updateWebpackConfig: function(webpackConfig, env) {
    webpackConfig.resolve.alias['rsg-components/StyleGuide'] = path.join(__dirname, 'lib/styleguide/StyleGuide');
    return webpackConfig;

Also there are two special wrapper components. They do nothing by themeselves and were made specifically to be replaced with a custom logic:

  • StyleGuide — the root component of a style gude React app.
  • Wrapper — wraps every example component.

For example you can replace the Wrapper component to wrap any example component in the React Intl’s provider component. You can’t wrap the whole style guide because every example component is compiled separately in a browser.

// styleguide.config.js
var path = require('path');
module.exports = {
  // ...
  updateWebpackConfig: function(webpackConfig, env) {
    webpackConfig.resolve.alias['rsg-components/Wrapper'] = path.join(__dirname, 'lib/styleguide/Wrapper');
    return webpackConfig;

// lib/styleguide/Wrapper.js
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { IntlProvider } from 'react-intl';
export default class Wrapper extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <IntlProvider locale="en">

How to debug my components and examples?

  1. Open your browser’s developer tools
  2. Press the Debugger button to make the debugger stop execution on any exception.
  3. Write debugger; statement wherewhere you want: in a component source, a Markdown example or even in an editor in a browser.

How to debug the exceptions thrown from my components?

  1. Put debugger; statement at the beginning of your code.
  2. Press the Debugger button in your browser’s developer tools.
  3. Press the Continue button and the debugger will stop exception a the next exception.

Similar projects

  • heatpack, a quick to setup hot-reloaded development server for React components.
  • Demobox, a component for making component showcases for landing pages.
  • React-demo, a component for creating demos of other components with props editor.
  • SourceJS, a platform to unify all your frontend documentation. It has a Styleguidist plugin.


The changelog can be found on the Releases page.


Everyone is welcome to contribute. Please take a moment to review the contributing guidelines.



The MIT License, see the included License.md file.