
A full featured checkbox plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A full-featured checkbox jquery plugin

Date Image Gemini Checkbox


  • Supports more configurable options.
  • Supports more methods
  • Supports more events
  • Supports fast internationalization
  • Cross-browser support

Example image

Type: single

Single Checkbox

Type: group

Checkbox Group

Getting started

Quick start


Include files:

Css file

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/gemini.checkbox.min.css">

Javascript file

<script src="/assets/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/gemini.checkbox.min.js"></script>


You may set checkbox options with $().checkbox(options), the options type is Object.

Name Type Default value Optional value Description
name String '' -- native attribute for checkbox
checklist String/Array '' -- rendered data for checkbox, type is String or Array, such as 'Agree' or ['JD', 'Alibaba'] or [{label: 'JD', value: 1}, {label: 'Alibaba', value: 2}]
disabled Boolean/Array null -- disabled data for checkbox, such as true/false or ['JD'] or [1]
defaultValue Boolean/Array null -- default value for single checkbox or checkbox group.
size String 'small' small/medium/large The size for checkbox or checkbox group.


Common usage

$().checkbox(methodName, argument1, argument2, ..., argumentN);

Set the current value with a new value, parameter value type is Boolean or Array .

$().checkbox('setValue', true);
$().checkbox('setValue', ['JD', 'Alibaba']);
$().checkbox('setValue', [1, 2]);

Get the current checked value.


reset the checkbox checked status.


disable or enable the picker, if parameter value is true that can disable the picker, otherwise can enable the picker.

// disable the single checkbox
$().checkbox('disable', true);
// enable the single checkbox
$().checkbox('disable', false);

// disable the checkbox group item
$().checkbox('disable', ['JD', ...]); or $().checkbox('disable', [1, ...]);
// disable the all the checkbox item
// enable the all the checkbox item
$().checkbox('disable', []);

Destroy the checkbox and remove the instance from target element.



Common usage

$().on(eventName, function (e, arguments) {
  // todo

This event fires when checked value is changed.

  • event ( Type: Object )
    • newValue ( Type: Boolean/Array )
$().on('change.checkbox', function (event) {
  console.log('newValue: ' + event.newValue);

This event fires when checkbox item is clicked.

$().on('click.checkbox', function (e) {
  // todo


Common usage

    CallbackName: function () {
      // todo

A shortcut of the "change.checkbox" event, this callback called when checked value is changed.

    onChange: function (event) {
      console.log('newValue: ' + event.newValue);

A shortcut of the "click.checkbox" event, this callback called when checkbox item is clicked.

    onClick: function (event) {
      console.log('newValue: ' + event.newValue);

Run example

Please download the project, and then enter into this directory.(download gulp-sass plugin need to connect vpn)

Browser support

  • Chrome Most versions
  • Firefox Most versions
  • Safari Most versions
  • Opera Most versions
  • Edge Most versions
  • Internet Explorer 8+


Greg Zhang from Asiainfo (gregzhang616@gmail.com).