
A Competitive Config for Left 4 Dead 2


⚠ For Server Owners:

NextMod is designed to work with Sir's Competitive Rework Platform if your server is not set up correctly you may have to alter files in order for the config to work properly!

ℹ About NextMod

NextMod is heavily influenced by community feedback, if you have a suggestion don't feel afraid to get at me.

NextMod is a competitive config based upon the community favourite ZoneMod, but it also brings back some of our old favourite features from other mods such as the Witch, and jump rocks, as well as some new features!

This is the last version for a while. It is now at a stable spot and is ready to be played. Unless game breaking issues are found, new updates will be spread out.

What is NextMod Pug?

NextMod Pug contains older, more unbalanced features, such as the Witch, Jumprocks, Quads, etc..

Main Features / Reasoning Behind Them

No Quads Quads can be fun, but they aren't really fair in a competitive sense. Especially not on closed-in maps, and its even worse on high ping D:

Sound Removing Sound Removing was added to save our ears and to remove the unfair advantage some players get when they use the snd_restart command, while others do not.

Health Bonus System The new health bonus system was added due to the amount of complaints I've heard about damage bonus. Bonus will now be determined by Perma-Health, Temp-Health, Pills, and whether or not Tank/Witch have been killed. For further detail, please read here or here

Fixed Spawn Rotations Spawn rotations are now handled by a plugin rather than the bestest engine ever. This means that infected spawn rotations will be more consistent, predictable and reliable, benefiting both teams!

Version 1.0.4 Changes


  • Infected spawn times set to 15 seconds.
  • Max common changed from 30 to 28.
  • Spit Damage changed from alternating between 2 - 3 to static 3.
  • Spit god-frames set to 6.
  • Hunter claw changed from 6 to 4.
  • Enabled Hunter M2's on standing Hunters.
  • Added a 20 second cooldown on Tank Jump Rocks.
  • Hunters limited to 1.
  • 1 M2 on a Hunter/Jockey will cause melee fatigue.
  • Removed Tank Jumprocks.


Weapons are still under heavy development, if you think something is too OP let me know!

  • Silenced Uzi reload speed changed from 1.85 to 2.1.
  • Silenced Uzi spread per-shot from 0.32 to 0.30.
  • Unsilenced Uzi reload speed changed from 1.74 to 1.75.
  • Unsilenced Uzi damage changed from 22 to 20.
  • Unsilenced Uzi spread per-shot changed from 0.26 to 0.29.
  • Unsilenced Uzi max move-spread from 1.85 to 1.95.
  • Increased SMG Ammo from 650 to 750.
  • Pumpshotgun pellets changed from 21 to 20.
  • Chrome-Shotgun pellets 17 to 16.
  • Removed all Mini-guns/Turrets.
  • Limited Melee's to 3
  • Only blunt melees will spawn outside saferoom.
    • Baseball Bats, Cricket Bats, Guitars, and Frying Pans.
  • One Fireaxe will spawn in saferoom.
  • Limited Uzis to 3. (Meaning a maximum of 3 Uzi's - Silenced or Unsilenced)
  • Limited Shotguns to 3. (Meaning a maximum of 3 Shotguns - Pump or Chrome)


  • Fixed SI Spawn Rotations. (Created by: Sir)
  • Added option to enable/diable the Witch via voting.
  • New Bonus System. (Created by: LuckyLock)
  • Tank Rocks are now lag-compensated. (Created by: LuckyLock)
  • Removed Generator/Lift/Plane/Tractor/Fuel Truck/"Ambient" Explosion/Heartbeat Sounds.
  • It will now be announced when a teammate is black and white.
  • Tanks can now see hittable glows through objects/from far away.
  • Quads are removed.
  • Witch is removed.


  • Removed throwables from spawning on some custom maps.
  • Fixed event doors being breakable.
  • Long get-ups have been removed.

Map Changes

Maps are the same as ZoneMod 1.9.4 besides the mentioned changes.

Dead Center

Hotel (Map 1)
  • Removed background explosion sounds.

Dark Carnival

Highway (Map 1)
  • Added a hittable Police Car near the saferoom.
  • Added a HUMVEE by the tree near the saferoom.
  • Added an Ambulance where survivors take the roof rock Tank.
  • Added a hittable car where survivors take the roof rock Tank.
Coaster (Map 3)
  • Removed Coaster Sounds.

Hard Rain
Mill Escape (Map 3)
  • Changed Map distance from 600 to 500.
Milltown Escape (Finale)
  • Removed the damn storm sounds.

The Parish

Park (Map 2)
  • Added a small bush on the left side of the park on a tree.
  • Added a prop to make climbing onto the tree easier for infected.
  • Added a large bush near the 'tank chip fence' in the park.
  • Blocked the 'tank chip fence' in the park from being shot through.
Cemetery (Map 3)
  • You can still do spit damage at the sewer drop. :D
Quarter (Map 4)
  • Fixed an out of map glitch.

The Passing

Bedlam (Map 2)
  • Blocked Tank Spawn past 70%.
  • Changed Map distance from 800 to 500.
  • Fixed those wanky stairs.
  • Added a box stack to make climbing onto the RV easier for tank.

The Sacrifice

Docks (Map 1)
  • Changed Map distance from 700 to 500.
Barge (Map 2)
  • Changed Map distance from 700 to 500.

Dead Air

Runway (Finale)
  • Removed Plane + Crashing Plane SFX
  • Removed Crashing Plane Screen Shake

Blood Harvest

Traintunnel (Map 2)
  • Fixed the event door being breakable.
Corn Field (Finale)
  • Added props for extra SI spawns.
  • Fixed an under the map exploit for SI.
  • Fixed multiple SI stuck spots.

go next 😃