
:guitar: A Javascript library for dynamic chord recognition, generation and graphic representation for any fretted instrument.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


status David David GitHub issues Build Status

A dependency-free javascript library for dynamic chord recognition/generation for any fretted instrument. It converts common chord tab notation, such as x32010, into its graphical representation, recognizes the chord and returns its real name and composition.

For a demonstration of what can be done with this library, check out chordictionary.com.


npm install chordictionary

const chordictionary = require('chordictionary');

For proper styling of the chords layout, you can use the css from the package and copy it to your project.

cp node_modules/chordictionary/build/chordictionary.min.css ./css/

For more installation options check out the documentation.


Read the documentation to know how to install and use Chordictionary in your own project.


Want to help me build this project ? Feel free to report any issue you may have or check out the contributing guidelines to give me a hand.