
6/9 chords are not found

greird opened this issue · 2 comments

xx1091010 or x1212121312 are not recognized as C6/9 chords.
However, it recognizes the right notes xADGCE.

When generating a C6/9 chord, it generate the following tab : x32223 with the following notes xCEAC#G. This is wrong. C# should be replaced with a D.

Same thing as with the Cmaj9 issue.

6/9 chords (x32233) is correctly identified when defining the nine by integer 2 instead of integer 14. So this formula works:

{formula:"1-3-5-6-9",         integer:"0-2-4-7-9",          name:"Major six, add nine",              suffix:"6/9"  },

And C6/9(no5) for voicings without the fifth (x3223x) works with this formula:

{formula:"1-3-6-9",           integer:"0-2-4-9",            name:"Major six, add nine",              suffix:"6/9(no5)" },

Same as #10