cMDT Relationship Query Bug
This repository is a bug repro for Salesforce Custom Metadata Types when using relationship queries and the LIMIT clause.
Undesirable Behavior
This query should limit the children per parent.
SELECT MasterLabel, (SELECT MasterLabel FROM Bars__r LIMIT 1) FROM Foo__mdt
However, it actually limits the entire set of children, so that one parent has a single child and all other parents have no children.
Defined in this repo are two custom metadata types Foo and Bar, with a relationship from Bar to Foo. There are a number of existing cMDT records in both types to facilitate showing the bug.
A single Apex class exists called Demo that can be called from anonymous Apex to demonstrate the bug. Here is the class:
public with sharing class Demo {
public static void noLimit() {
dump([SELECT MasterLabel, (SELECT MasterLabel FROM Bars__r) FROM Foo__mdt ORDER BY MasterLabel]);
public static void withLimit(Integer theLimit) {
dump([SELECT MasterLabel, (SELECT MasterLabel FROM Bars__r LIMIT :theLimit) FROM Foo__mdt ORDER BY MasterLabel]);
private static void dump(List<Foo__mdt> foos) {
for(Foo__mdt foo : foos) {
String message = 'Foo: ' + foo.MasterLabel + '\n';
for(Bar__mdt bar : foo.Bars__r) {
message += '\tChild Bar: ' + bar.MasterLabel + '\n';
System.debug(LoggingLevel.WARN, message);
Here are some sample outputs:
15:00:07.29 (47299861)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|WARN|Foo: Foo1
Child Bar: Foo1Bar4
Child Bar: Foo1Bar2
Child Bar: Foo1Bar3
Child Bar: Foo1Bar1
15:00:07.29 (48652105)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|WARN|Foo: Foo2
Child Bar: Foo2Bar2
Child Bar: Foo2Bar1
15:00:07.29 (50219163)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|WARN|Foo: Foo3
Child Bar: Foo2Bar3
Child Bar: Foo3Bar1
Child Bar: Foo3Bar2
15:00:40.53 (86781549)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|WARN|Foo: Foo1
Child Bar: Foo1Bar4
Child Bar: Foo1Bar2
Child Bar: Foo1Bar3
Child Bar: Foo1Bar1
15:00:40.53 (88958956)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|WARN|Foo: Foo2
Child Bar: Foo2Bar2
Child Bar: Foo2Bar1
15:00:40.53 (91248572)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|WARN|Foo: Foo3
Child Bar: Foo2Bar3
Child Bar: Foo3Bar1
Child Bar: Foo3Bar2
15:01:06.30 (49240116)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|WARN|Foo: Foo1
Child Bar: Foo1Bar4
Child Bar: Foo1Bar2
Child Bar: Foo1Bar3
Child Bar: Foo1Bar1
15:01:06.30 (50139460)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|WARN|Foo: Foo2
Child Bar: Foo2Bar2
15:01:06.30 (50662405)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|WARN|Foo: Foo3
15:01:31.28 (44578740)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|WARN|Foo: Foo1
Child Bar: Foo1Bar4
Child Bar: Foo1Bar2
15:01:31.28 (45043084)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|WARN|Foo: Foo2
15:01:31.28 (45425628)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|WARN|Foo: Foo3
15:01:54.35 (49885876)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|WARN|Foo: Foo1
Child Bar: Foo1Bar4
15:01:54.35 (50350946)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|WARN|Foo: Foo2
15:01:54.35 (50759944)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|WARN|Foo: Foo3