============================================ The Chamber of Secrets: A Distributed Diary ============================================ Created for: CPSC 416 Distributed Systems, in the 2017W2 Session at the University of British Columbia (UBC) to demonstrate the PAXOS Consensus Algorithm https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~bestchai/teaching/cs416_2017w2/project2/index.html Authors: Graham L. Brown (c6y8), Aleksandra Budkina (f1l0b), Larissa Feng (l0j8), Harryson Hu (n5w8), Sharon Yang (l5w8) The application can be run both on a local machine and on Azure with different VMs. Let PORT be some valid free port number. To run the app locally: — Start server from go/src: go run distributeddiaryserver/server.go 12345 local - Start app from go/src: go run distributeddiaryapp/app.go PORT --local This will run server and apps at Let ADDRESS be the outgoing IP for the server VM. To run the app globally: — Start server from src: go run distributeddiaryserver/server.go 12345 - Start app from src: go run distributeddiaryapp/app.go ADDRESS:12345 PORT This will run apps on machine's outbound IP on port PORT The performance logs are stored under src/logs To view the performance at real time add “--debug” in the end of the command that runs the app. Steps to reproduce the failure cases of section 2.4 of the final report are stored at failure_case_playbook.txt
Demonstration Implementation of the PAXOS Consensus Algorithm