A lexical normalizer for historical spelling variants using a transformer architecture.
If you have a GPU available, you should first install and set up a conda environment.
conda install -y pip
conda create -y --name <environment-name> python=3.9 pip
conda activate <environment-name>
conda install -y cudatoolkit=11.3.1 cudnn=8.3.2 -c conda-forge
pip install torch==1.12.1+cu113 torchvision torchaudio -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
Set up a virtual environment, e.g. like this
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install git+https://github.com/ybracke/transnormer.git
# Clone repo from GitHub
git clone git@github.com:ybracke/transnormer.git
cd ./transnormer
# install package in editable mode
pip install -e .
# install development requirements
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
To train a model you need the following resources:
- Encoder and decoder models (available on the Huggingface Model Hub)
- Tokenizers that belong to the models (also available via Huggingface)
- A dataset of historical language documents with (gold-)normalized labels
- A file specifying the training configurations, see Training config file
- Specify the training parameters in the training config file
- Run training script:
$ python3 src/transnormer/models/model_train.py
For more details, see below
- Specify the test/generation parameters in the test config file
- Run generation script:
$ python3 src/transnormer/models/generate.py -c test_config.toml -o <path-generations>
. This produces at JSONL file with generated normalizations at<path-generations>
. - Run evaluation script:
$ src/transnormer/evaluation/evaluate.py --input-type jsonl --ref-file <path-generations> --pred-file <path-generations> --ref-field=<name-gold> --pred-field=<name-pred> -a both
. This will print the evaluation metrics to stdout. In this example, it is assumed that<path-generations>
contains both the gold and automatically generated normalizations (in the fieldsname-gold
, respectively).
source .venv/bin/activate
conda activate <environment-name>
- If you have multiple GPUs available and want to use only one (here: the GPU with index
- Set
gpu = "cuda:0"
in config file
to get rid of parallelism warning messages
Scripts and functions in src/transnormer/data
TODO (prio: low) - Describe what they do (inspiration: https://github.com/clarinsi/csmtiser#data-preprocessing)
usage: split_dataset.py [-h] [-o OUT] [-v VALIDATION_SET_SIZE] [-t TEST_SET_SIZE]
[--random-state RANDOM_STATE]
Create genre-stratified train, validation and test splits of the DTA for a specific time
positional arguments:
file Input file (JSON Lines).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUT, --out OUT Path to the output file (JSON Lines).
Size of the validation set as a fraction of the total data.
-t TEST_SET_SIZE, --test-set-size TEST_SET_SIZE
Size of the test set as a fraction of the total data.
--random-state RANDOM_STATE
Seed for the random state (default: 42).
usage: make_dataset.py [-h] [-t TARGET] DATASET [DATASET ...]
Convert datasets from raw format to JSON Lines
positional arguments:
DATASET Path(s) to dataset(s)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
Path to target directory
In order to support reading in and converting a dataset to be used as training or test data, there has to be a read_*
function in loader.py
(e.g. read_dtaeval_raw
).The read_*
function must return a dict that looks like this:
{ "orig" : List[str], "norm" : List[str]}
. Additional dict entries might be metadata, e.g. "year" : List[int]
, "document" : List[str]
Specify the training parameters in the config file
Run training script:
$ python3 src/transnormer/models/model_train.py
. (Don't forget to start your virtual environment first (see Installation).) Training can take multiple hours, so consider usingnohup
:$ nohup nice python3 src/transnormer/models/train_model.py &
If you are usingdvc
to track experiments:$ nohup nice exp run --name <experiment-name> train &
, wheretrain
is the stage name for the training fromdvc.yaml
in the cwd. If you omittrain
, all stages are run.
The file training_config.toml
serves as a comprehensive configuration guide for customizing and fine-tuning the training process of a language model using the specified parameters.
Please note that the provided configuration settings and parameters are examples. You can customize them to fit your specific training requirements. Refer to the comments within the configuration file for additional information and guidance on modifying these parameters for optimal training outcomes.
The following paragraphs provide detailed explanations of each section and parameter within the configuration file to facilitate effective model training.
The gpu
parameter allows you to specify the GPU device for training. You can set it to the desired GPU identifier, such as "cuda:0"
, ensuring compatibility with the CUDA environment. Remember to set the appropriate CUDA visible devices beforehand using if required (e.g. export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1
to use only the GPU with index 1
The random_seed
parameter defines a fixed random seed (42
in the default settings) to ensure reproducibility of the training process. This enables consistent results across different runs.
The [data]
section includes paths to training, validation, and test datasets. The paths_train
, paths_validation
, and paths_test
parameters provide paths to respective JSONL files containing data examples. Additionally, n_examples_train
, n_examples_validation
, and n_examples_test
specify the number of examples to be used from each dataset split during training.
Both paths_{split}
and n_examples_{split}
are lists. The number at n_examples_{split}[i]
refers to the number of examples to use from the data specified at paths_{split}[i]
. Hence n_examples_{split}
must be the same length as paths_{split}
. Setting n_examples_{split}[i]
to a value higher than the number of examples in paths_{split}[i]
ensures that all examples in this split will be used, but no oversampling is applied.
The [tokenizer]
section holds settings related to tokenization of input and output sequences. You can specify tokenizer_input
and tokenizer_output
models. If you omit tokenizer_output
, tokenizer_input
will be used as the output tokenizer as well. If you omit tokenizer_input
, the program will try to use the tokenizer of the checkpoint given under language_model
You can specify an input_transliterator
for data preprocessing. This option is not implemented for the byte-based models and might be removed in the future.
You can adjust min_length_input
and max_length_input
to filter inputs before traing. You can set max_length_output
to define the maximum token lengths of output sequences, though this is not recommended and the property might be removed.
Under [language_models]
, you can choose the language model(s) to be retrained. It is possible to either use a byte-based encoder-decoder as the base model or two subword-based models (encoder and decoder). Accordingly the config file must either specify a checkpoint_encoder_decoder
parameter, which points to the checkpoint of the chosen encoder-decoder model or two parameters, checkpoint_encoder
(for historic language) and checkpoint_decoder
(for modern language).
This section may change in the future, see this issue.
The [training_hyperparams]
section encompasses essential training parameters, such as batch_size
(determines the number of examples in each training batch), epochs
(indicates the number of training epochs) , and (not actually used). You can control the frequency of logging, evaluation, and model saving using learning_rate
, eval_steps
, and save_steps
respectively. eval_strategy
defines how often evaluation occurs, and fp16
toggles half-precision training.
This section may change in the future, see this issue.
The [beam_search_decoding]
section contains parameters related to beam search decoding during inference. no_repeat_ngram_size
prevents n-grams of a certain size from repeating. (Note that what is a sensible value for this parameter is different depending on the tokenization. For a char/byte-based (aka "tokenizer-free") model, set this to higher value than for subword-based models.) early_stopping
enables stopping decoding when early stopping criteria are met. length_penalty
controls the trade-off between sequence length and probability. num_beams
specifies the number of beams to use in beam search.
This section may change in the future, see this issue.
We may want to fine-tune a model that is already the product of fine-tuning. We call the first fine-tuned model 'checkpoint-X' and the second model 'checkpoint-Y'. To train checkpoint-Y from checkpoint-X simply add the path to checkpoint-X under language_models
in training_config.toml
To clarify, checkpoint-Y was created like this:
original pretrained model (e.g. byt5-small) -> checkpoint-X -> checkpoint-Y
Thus, in order to keep track of the full provenance of checkpoint-Y, we must not only keep checkpoint-Y's training_config.toml
but also keep the directory where checkpoint-X and its training_config.toml
is located.
The script src/transnormer/models/generate.py
generates normalizations given a config file.
usage: generate.py [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-o OUT]
Generates normalizations given a configuration file that specifies the model, the data and parameters.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Path to the config file (TOML)
-o OUT, --out OUT Path to the output file (JSONL)
Example call:
python3 src/transnormer/models/generate.py -c test_config.toml --out <path>
The test config file configures which device, data, tokenizer, model and generation parameters are used when generating normalizations. Refer to test_config.toml
for a template and the description of the training config file for a detailed description of the sections. Note that, currently, only a single test data file is allowed as input.
Rename and copy current test_config.toml
# in the transformer directory call
filename=`md5sum test_config.toml | head -c 8`.toml
cp test_config.toml hidden/test_configs/$filename
Rename the predictions file (e.g. hidden/predictions/preds.jsonl
) to a unique name like this:
# go to predictions directory
cd hidden/predictions
# rename pred file
filename=`md5sum preds.jsonl | head -c 8`.jsonl
mv preds.jsonl $filename
The script src/transnormer/evaluation/evaluate.py
computes a harmonized accuracy score and the normalized Levenshtein distance. The metric and its computation are adopted from Bawden et al. (2022).
usage: evaluate.py [-h] --input-type {jsonl,text} [--ref-file REF_FILE] [--pred-file PRED_FILE]
[--ref-field REF_FIELD] [--pred-field PRED_FIELD] -a ALIGN_TYPES [--sent-wise-file SENT_WISE_FILE]
[--test-config TEST_CONFIG]
Compute evaluation metric(s) for string-to-string normalization (see Bawden et al. 2022). Choose --align-type=both
for a harmonized accuracy score.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input-type {jsonl,text}
Type of input files: jsonl or text
--ref-file REF_FILE Path to the input file containing reference normalizations (typically a gold standard)
--pred-file PRED_FILE
Path to the input file containing predicted normalizations
--ref-field REF_FIELD
Name of the field containing reference (for jsonl input)
--pred-field PRED_FIELD
Name of the field containing prediction (for jsonl input)
-a ALIGN_TYPES, --align-types ALIGN_TYPES
Which file's tokenisation to use as reference for alignment. Valid choices are 'both', 'ref',
'pred'. Multiple choices are possible (comma separated)
--sent-wise-file SENT_WISE_FILE
Path to a file where the sentence-wise accuracy scores get saved. For pickled output (list),
the path must match /*.pkl/. Textual output is a comma-separated list
--test-config TEST_CONFIG
Path to the file containing the test configurations
Example call:
python3 src/transnormer/evaluation/evaluate.py \
--input-type jsonl --ref-file hidden/predictions/d037b975.jsonl \
--pred-file hidden/predictions/d037b975.jsonl \
--ref-field=norm --pred-field=pred -a both \
--sent-wise-file hidden/sent_scores/sent_scores_d037b975.pkl \
--test-config hidden/test_configs/d1b1ea77.toml \
>> hidden/eval.jsonl
In this case, the gold normalizations ("ref") and auto-generated normalizations ("pred") are located in the same file, therefore --ref-file
and --pred-file
take the same argument. If the two versions (ref and pred) are located in different files, the files must be in the same order (i.e. example in line 1 of the ref-file refers to the example in line 1 of the pred-file, etc.).
If you have a single JSONL file with original input, predictions and gold labels, you probably want to write the sentence/example-wise accuracy scores to this file, that have been computed by evaluate.py
. This can be done with src/transnormer/evaluation/add_sent_scores.py
usage: add_sent_scores.py [-h] [-p PROPERTY] scores data
Write sentence-wise accuracy scores stored SCORES to DATA (jsonl file)
positional arguments:
scores Scores file (either pickled (*.pkl) or comma-separated plain-text).
data Data file (JSONL)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PROPERTY, --property PROPERTY
Name for the property in which the score gets stored (default: 'score')
Example call:
python3 src/transnormer/evaluation/add_sent_scores.py hidden/sent_scores.pkl hidden/predictions/8ae3fd47.jsonl
python3 src/transnormer/evaluation/add_sent_scores.py hidden/sent_scores.pkl hidden/predictions/8ae3fd47.jsonl -p score_i
TODO, see this issue
Use jq
to create a text-only version from the JSONL files containing the predictions and then call diff
on that. Example:
jq -r '.norm' ./8ae3fd47.jsonl > norm
jq -r '.pred' ./8ae3fd47.jsonl > pred
code --diff norm pred
Note: This section will be continously updated.
Scores on a test set extracted from the DTA EvalCorpus (13 documents, ~18,000 sentences; ~400,000 tokens):
Method | WordAcc | WordAcc (-i ) |
identity | 79.59 | 79.80 |
translit | 93.91 | 94.17 |
transnormer | 98.93 | 99.18 |
The metric used is the harmonized word accurracy explained above; -i
denotes a case insensitive version (i.e. deviations in casing between prediction and gold normalizaiton are ignored).
For the baseline method identity
the historical text is simply treated as the normalization and compared to the gold normalization. The method translit
is a version of identity
, where extinct German graphemes are replaced by their modern counterparts (e.g. replaces every ſ
with s
). The transnormer
model used here is a byt5-small
model, with downstream training on a different section of the DTA EvalCorpus (~204K sentences).
In this section you find information on the institutional and theoretical background of the project.
This project is developed at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, BBAW) within the national research data infrastructure (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur, NFDI) Text+.
We use a transformer encoder-decoder model. The encoder-decoder gets warm-started with pre-trained models and fine-tuned on a dataset for lexical normalization.
- Pre-trained encoder for historic German
- Pre-trained decoder for modern German
- Plug encoder and decoder together by supervised learning with labeled data
Intuition: We create a model from an encoder that knows a lot about historical language, and a decoder that knows a lot about modern language and plug them together by training them on gold-normalized data. Both encoder and decoder can be pre-trained on large quantities of unlabeled data (historic/modern), which are more readily available than labeled data.
This normalizer developed in this project is intended to become the successor of the normalizing component of the Cascaded Analysis Broker (CAB), developed at the BBAW by Bryan Jurish (CAB webpage, CAB web service, Jurish (2012)).
CAB utilizes hand-craftet rules, edit distances, lexicon checks hidden markov language models, and an exception lexicon.
Overview of main changes transnormer
makes as compared to CAB
- Being based on the transformer architecture, this project uses state-of-the-art machine learning technology.
- Training machine learning models can be continued once more and/or better training data is available, thus allowing a continuous improvement of the models.
- Machine learning should help to find better normalizations for unknown texts and contexts.
- By using pre-trained transformer models we can leverage linguistic knowledge from large quantities of data
The transnormer
models are sequence-to-sequence models. This means, they take as input a string of unnormalized text and return a string of normalized text. This is different from CAB, which is a sequence tagger, where the original text is first tokenized and then, secondly, each token is assigned a single label.
As a consequence, transnormer
can normalize word separation, e.g. normalize gehts
to geht es
and aller Hand
to allerhand
, while CAB cannot. CAB can only assign one label per token, i.e. would (at best) normalize gehts
to the pseudo-token geht_es
and normalize each token in aller Hand
separately, thereby producing the suboptimal normalization aller Hand
. In short, whitespace in output is no longer contingent on the tokenization of the input.
- Pretrained LLMs have general capabilities concerning language understanding derived from being trained on large quantities of textual data in one or more languages.
- This knowledge should help the fine-tuned model to generalize better and deal better with context than CAB does.
- We base the program on components and libraries that are maintained by large communities, institutions or companies (e.g. Huggingface), instead of in-house developments that are less well supported.
- We move away from a C- and Perl-based program to a Python-based program, which has a larger community of users and developers.
This project uses DVC for (1) versioning data and model files (2) tracking experiments.
Large data and model files are versioned with DVC and do not get tracked by git.
Instead, only a hash (stored in a text file) is tracked by git, either in a
or in dvc.lock
are tracked by git.
dvc list . --dvc-only --recursive
shows the files tracked by DVC
dvc push
moves a specific version of the data to the remote storage.
DVC is also used for tracking experiments to make models reproducible and to separate code development from experiments. Each DVC experiment is a snapshot of the state of the code, the configs, the trained model resulting from these, and possibly evaluation metrics at a specific point in time.
- Make sure any recent changes to the code are committed
- Set parameters in the config file (
) - Make sure
is still up-to-date (i.e. contains all dependencies, parameters, output locations, etc.) - Run the training with
dvc exp run
- You can also set parameters in the config file at this stage with
. Example:dvc exp run -S 'training_config.toml:training_hyperparams.save_steps=50'
- You can also set parameters in the config file at this stage with
- Do
dvc exp run [--name <exp-name>]
(1) creates a new version of the model; (2) modifiesdvc.lock
. Instead of an individualmodel.dvc
file for the model, its path, md5, etc. are stored indvc.lock
; (3) creates a hidden commit that also contains the config anddvc.lock
(i.e. a link to the updated model). - To push the new model version to the remote, do:
dvc push models/model
. git restore .
will restore the updateddvc.lock
and config files. You don't have to git-commit these separately to git because this was already done automatically in step 5.
dvc exp branch <branch-name> <exp-name>
will create a git branch from the experiment. It makes sense to give the branch the same name as the experiment in order to associate them easily. (The experiment branch can be also created later from a hidden commit (seedvc exp show --all-commits
to see all candidates). Note that the code in the experiment branch will be in the state as it was at the time of running the experiment.)- The experiment branch can now be used to analyze the model by running inspection notebooks.
- Push the experiment branch to remote in order to be able to look at the analyses notebooks on GitHub. Remove the experiment branch from remote or alltogether if they are not needed them anymore (they can be recreated, see point 1).
- You can reproduce the experiment (i.e. train the model again) either on the
experiment branch or if you did
dvc exp apply <exp-name>
(on branchdev
An "experiment" in DVC is a set of changes to your data, code, and configuration
that you want to track and reproduce. When you run dvc exp run
will create a snapshot of your code and data, and save it as a hidden git
commit. Technically: Experiments are custom Git references (found in
) with one or more commits based on HEAD. These commits are
hidden and not checked out by DVC and not pushed to git remotes either.
The code in this project is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0.