Shoehorns Twig template compiling into Drupal 7. Especially useful when you already have twig templates rendering your components in another system (e.g., an external styleguide) and don't want to re-implement everything in PHPTemplate.
Download the Twig library
This project depends on the Twig PHP library, which can be installed one of three ways:
- Composer Manager* (recommended)
- Composer
- Libraries API*
via Composer Manager
This is the recommended installation method. Install the Composer
Manager module* and follow its
installation instructions to generate your composer.json
and download your
dependencies. No extra work is required beyond the steps outlined in
the Composer Manager project.
or via Composer
Follow the installation instructions for the main
Composer project, then cd
into this module's
directory (probably sites/all/modules/contrib/twigshim
) and run composer install
or via Libraries API
Install the Libraries API module*
and download the Twig library into your libraries
directory (probably sites/all/libraries
Install the Twig Shim module
Follow the normal Drupal module installation procedure.*
*For instructions on installing Drupal modules, see the documention.
If your templates live anywhere other than in the templates
subdirectory of
your default theme, visit /admin/conig/development/twigshim
and set the
appropriate path. All your template references resolve relative to this path. Do
not include leading or trailing slashes.
The main Twig Shim function is twigshim_render()
. Call this with your template
path (relative to the templates directory you just set) and an optional array of
variables to be used in the template. Example:
* Implements hook_block_view().
function mymodule_block_view($delta = '') {
switch ($delta) {
// Render the header block.
case 'myblock':
return twigshim_render('chrome/header.twig', array(
'campaign' => variable_get('mysite_current_campaign', 'Donate now!'),
'hidePopup' => !user_is_anonymous(),
When rendering an entity, use the helper function twigshim_render_entity()
automatically pull each of the entity's fields and properties into the variables
array. It strips field_
from the front of each key, facilitating the re-use of
variables across both your style guide and implementation.
* Implements theme_HOOK() for paragraphs_item__button().
function mytheme_paragraphs_item__button(&$vars) {
// Get a wrapper for the button entity.
$button = entity_metadata_wrapper('paragraphs_item', $vars['paragraphs_item']);
// Set values for any fields that don't follow the standard format.
$template_vars['href'] = $button->field_href->url->value();
return twigshim_render_entity('paragraphs_item', $button, 'button/button.twig', $template_vars);
Note that it is the caller's responsibility to properly sanitize all variables before passing into Twig Shim. See the documentation on writing secure code and the sanitisation functions.