
A place to put the savestates of games with cheevos problems when running in RetroArch and no problems in "official" emulators.


UPDATE: after the latest RetroArch fixes (01/Nov/2016) many of these problematic cheevos are already solved! A core compatibility list can be found here.

A place to put the savestates of games with cheevos problems when running in RetroArch and no problems in "official" emulators.

The idea of this repository is to provide useful savestates to help RetroArch developers solve problems with achievements that don't work in RetroArch AND work fine in the oficial RetroAchievements.org emulators. Only this!

The structure is:

  • directory with Name-Of-The-Game-SYSTEM.
    • README.txt: describing the problems with the achievements and describing the savestates
    • *.state: the files with the states saved right before the problematic achievement. No need to rename the state! Let the name the file gets from RetroArch (usually "Name of ROM.state")