
Bash minimalist mandarin/english dictionnary for the CLI (using a self extracted text version of cedict db)

Primary LanguageShell

Bash Mandarin/English dictionary based on cedict. It is volontary extremely basic, read the source and you will know what I mean.

Public domain, 2016 GrepSuzette, database is using another license though
Syntax: dictzh [OPTIONS] "[terms]"

 --help -h        Show help
 --version -v     Show version and exit
 --no-sep         Omit the ------ separator

    dictzh "ni3 hao3"        # pinyin are separated by a space
    dictzh "lao. shi."       # grep regex are used, so the dots will match any char
    dictzh "^你好 "           # search for a chinese def and only that
    dictzh hello             # loosely search for a single word
    dictzh "town center"     # multiple words will require quotes


Before using, don't forget to edit the dbPath variable in file dictzh, then just copy or make a symlink to dictzh so it's somewhere in your $PATH.


Bash hook, so when you type chinese directly in CLI, instead of "No such command" you get its definition instead

This makes usage of contrib/count-chinese-characters.py and the command_not_found_handle() function in bash. The later is a bash hook allowing a function to run instead of showing an error message.

We intercept the command that was run, and if it's made of chinese character, will find it in dictzh instead!


  1. run pip install regex,
  2. have some function as follows in your ~/.bashrc file:
# ... your instructions before, then at some point:

command_not_found_handle() {
    if [[ -x "~/path/to/count-chinese-characters.py && $( ~/path/to/count-chinese-characters.py "$1" ) > 10 ]]; then
        dictzh "$1"
        echo "bash: command not found: $1"