
Primary LanguageJava

#Forecast 5 demo app Uses the 5 day weather forecast API from openweathermap.org to show a simple weather forecast for a given location.

Build info

Open the project in Android studio and run the app.

Libraries used

  • Retrofit 2 - to perform API requests.
  • GSON - to parse JSON API responses.
  • rxJava - to elegantly abstract the domain module from the networking module.
  • Picasso - to display weather icons.
  • ThreeTenABP - to use the Java 8 time API for help with parsing and managing time data.

With more time

If I had more time I would:

  • Use Dagger 2 for dependency injection (remove injection boilerplate from MainActivity).
  • Create tests for MainPresenter by mocking the network and view layer.
  • Refactor towards an architecture where the Presenter is retained across configuration changes so that the view state is not lost.
  • Investigate using a object pool for HourForecastView since it could potentially be an expensive object to have so many of.
  • Fix the todo. I need to figure out the users time zone information and how to convey that correctly to LocalDateTime.
  • Add more features:
    • Use the location API to get lat/lng
    • Show text description of each weather code type.