Large Array Serialization using gRPC


Install gRPC for C++ using by following the directions at gRPC Quick Start. This will install both gRPC and protobuf, which you will need to compile the server and client. If you wish you use the Python server as well, install Python 3.6 or newer.

You will also need cmake to build the server and client, and the directions for installing a modern version of cmake are also at gRPC Quick Start.

C++ Server

Enter the cpp directory and run the following to build the demo_server

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j

Next, start the demo_server with:


You should see:

Server listening on

The C++ server is now waiting for connections from port 50000.

C++ Client

Python Client

First, ensure you have the following packages installed. Ensure that the version of the packages is greater than or equal to your gRPC C++ version.

  • grpcio
  • google-api-python-client

Next, enter the python directory and run:


This will generate the python gRPC interface files and While you have the C++ server running, run:


This will connect to the server at your local host and run a basic array transfer test using both a byte stream and repeated messages.

Connected to server at
Testing with byte stream...
Average time: 0.3553605652999977
Aprox speed: 214.7MiB

Testing with repeated messages...
Average time: 0.5059016572000019
Aprox speed: 22.6MiB