
Implementation of a slot machine

Primary LanguageJava

Jesse Hanna, Edward Skrod
COP3252, Introduction to Java
April 24, 2014


Usage Instructions: Doubleclick the .jar file in Windows or run from the command line by typing java -jar SlotMachine.jar


In the very first few days of receiving the assignment, Edward put together a rudimentary Backend with a Board.java, Player.java, and Reel (including a virtual reel). Jesse took over the Backend from there and did some heavy lifting by implementing the SpinResult Enum, calculating the payouts in SlotMachineImpl, etc.

Jesse continued to hammer out the Backend while Edward began to design the UI in Photoshop. Once the UI was designed, Edward went to work implementing the GridBagFrame. Jesse added a considerable amount of Code to the GridBag, such as the MultiThreading in reelSpin().

They both did the MouseHandler events while Edward did the Menu Items and associated action listeners. It was Jesse's idea to create the SlotMachineConstants.java class.


File Description
Board.java Creates a 2D array that is an abstraction of the 3 x 3 slot machine window.
Payout.java Allows the developer to change the payouts very quickly and determine whether a line is a winner.
Player.java Functions for setting an account balance and player name. Also implements a JOPtionPane to prompt player for name when a new game is created.
SelectedRow.java Toggles a payline row on or off.
SlotMachineConstants.java Provides static constants for use throughout the program.
SlotMachineImpl.java Receives the spin results from board[][] and determines whether a particular row is a winner. Then it calculates the payout.
SpinResult.java Enum which defines the "tokens" (such as Lucky7, Java, BAR, etc.). Assigns a name of the token, a number on the virtual reel, and strings which correspond to the position of the images.


File Description
FileMenu.java Extends JMenu. Constructor adds File to the JMenu.
LoadItem.java Extends JMenuItem. Constructor adds "Load game" to the JMenu. Load's a file with a FileChooser object.
NewGameItem.java Extends JMenuItem. Constructor adds "New game" to the JMenu. Prompts player for name and creates an opening balance of $100.
QuitItem.java Extends JMenuItem. Calls System.exit().


File Description
SlotMachine.java Main class for running the game.
SlotMachineGridBagFrame extends JFrame. Provides the UI for the slot machine. Constructs a gridBagFrame that is 8 x 8 for 64 total, equal 1 inch X 1 inch squares. Squares at X = 7, Y = 0,1 have been converted into one JEditorPane which displays the Player's current account balance. We use HTML to set the background of the Pane and light CSS to format the text.


File Description
AdapterMock.java Test class for slot machine logic


Not only did we implement a save and load game feature using Java's FileChooser, we also used MultiThreading in SlotMachineGridBagFrame.java in order to give the effect of a spinning reel.