
Arduino library for calculating a moving average of sensor readings.

Primary LanguageC++

ReadMe file for Arduino Moving Average Library v1.1
Jack Christensen Mar 2012

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Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
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Arduino library for calculating a moving average of sensor readings.
Useful for situations where a sensor is read at regular intervals.
Readings and the moving average are ints. LIST_LEN sets the number
of readings used to calculate the moving average (currently set to 6).

To use the library:
(1) Go to https://github.com/JChristensen/movingAvg/downloads and download the
file in the compressed format of your choice (zip or tar.gz) to a convenient
location on your PC.
(2) Uncompress the downloaded file. This will result in a folder containing all
the files for the library, that has a name similar to "JChristensen-
(3) Rename the folder to just "movingAvg".
(4) Copy the renamed folder to the Arduino sketchbook\libraries folder.

The following example sketch is included with the movingAvg library:

photoCell: Smooths analog readings taken from a CdS photocell.

Declare a movingAvg object as follows.

movingAvg photoCell;

Add new readings to the moving average using the reading() method. This method
also returns the moving average value.

int pc = photoCell.reading ( analogRead(PHOTOCELL_PIN) );

To just return the current moving average without adding a new reading:

int pc = photoCell.getAvg();
