
Wrapper around the Dark Sky API

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Wrapper around the Dark Sky API.


yarn add @gretzky/darksky-api
// or
npm install --save @gretzky/darksky-api


This is a single method wrapper around the API where you pass in the appropriate params. The only required keys are key (your Dark Sky API key), latitude, and longitude, and Dark Sky will return the current forecast for the location provided. You can pass a UNIX epoch time string to the time param to get the forecast for a specific time at a given location.

See the API docs for request params.

import darkskyApi from "darksky-api";

const key = "yoursecretkey";

// get the latest forecast for a given latitude/longitude
const currentForecast = darkskyApi.getForecast({
  latitude: 43.65806,
  longitude: -70.24417,
  params: {
    exclude: ["minutely", "daily", "hourly"], // returns 'currently', 'alerts', 'flags'
    units: "ca",

// or, get the forecast for a given time at a given latitude/longitude
const tomorrowAfternoonForecast = darkskyApi.getForecast({
  time: 1599053400, // UNIX epoch timestamp. Date object may work