A bot for Discord. (Work in progress)
To setup and run the basic steps of the bot.
$ python -m venv .
$ . bin/activate
(travisbot)$ pip install -e .[fast]
The secret token is read from the environment variables.
(travisbot)$ export TOKEN=...
(travisbot)$ python -m travisbot
In a separate process, run ngrok
$ ngrok http 8888
Then, configure the notifications of your project to point to the given URL: Configuring webhook notifications
Update the version number and clean up the dist
directory before-hand.
(travisbot)$ python setup.py register -r https://pypi.python.org/pypi
(travisbot)$ pip install wheel twine
(travisbot)$ rm -f dist/*
(travisbot)$ python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
(travisbot)$ twine upload dist/*
Travis CI should handle the release process for us.