The organization repository for Grey Software, where software maintainers mentor students and build free software together!
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🥅 Initiative: Hackathon with UTMSAM
#61 opened by ArsalaBangash - 1
- 1
🥅 Initiative: Reach out to Open Source Labs
#60 opened by ArsalaBangash - 4
- 0
⚙️ Task: Write a doc explaining how to write off Grey Software donations in their taxes
#59 opened by ArsalaBangash - 3
⚙️ Task: Switch from 1password to Bitwarden
#57 opened by ArsalaBangash - 2
Compile list of prospective OSS sponsors
#55 opened by ArsalaBangash - 1
⚙️ Task: Add icons to our discord channels
#56 opened by ArsalaBangash - 0
- 0
Establish a Grey Software Webinar Program
#48 opened by ninaricci29 - 1
- 0
Open Collective Webhook
#45 opened by ninaricci29 - 2
Add an FAQ section to the website
#37 opened by ArsalaBangash - 1
- 1
- 0
🥅 Initiative: Grey Software Report Card
#53 opened by ArsalaBangash - 4
Standardize the org's linting tools, and setup a process to enforce passed lint checks for merges to master
#27 opened by ArsalaBangash - 5
- 2
Setup donation infrastructure
#22 opened by ArsalaBangash - 2
Progress Updates
#34 opened by ArsalaBangash - 1
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- 1
Open Collective "Income Statements"
#46 opened by ninaricci29 - 4
- 0
Create the Grey Focus extension
#42 opened by ninaricci29 - 1
Hatchly: Refine the marketing assets we need
#47 opened by ninaricci29 - 2
- 0
Collaborate with and learn from DWYL
#31 opened by ArsalaBangash - 0
Compile a list of EdTech forums and curation spaces we can do Grey Software and Material Math outreach
#28 opened by ArsalaBangash - 1
- 1
Create a campus ambassadors program
#35 opened by ArsalaBangash - 0
Assemble an advisory board
#20 opened by ArsalaBangash - 1
Offer a software engineering apprentice internship program for students at UTM taking a gap year
#29 opened by ArsalaBangash - 1
Create a script that helps generate a weekly report for the org's progress
#33 opened by ArsalaBangash - 0
- 1
Setup Software licensing with Cryptolens
#26 opened by ArsalaBangash - 1
Apply to Techsoup for free nonprofit tech
#18 opened by ArsalaBangash - 1
Find a team for Twitter Focus
#32 opened by ArsalaBangash - 0
- 0
Investigate 10to8 booking system with Square
#14 opened by ArsalaBangash - 1
Weekly Team Meeting Agenda: Jul 27, 2020
#39 opened by GreyKhan - 0
Weekly Team Meeting AgendaJul 27, 2020
#38 opened by GreyKhan - 1
Volunteer Infrastructure
#13 opened by ninaricci29 - 0
- 1
Create social media marketing strategy
#16 opened by ArsalaBangash - 1
Create emails
#15 opened by ArsalaBangash - 0
Address feedback from Pioneer players
#12 opened by ArsalaBangash